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Whenever I listen to Invaders Must Die (

), some Pendulum songs, and a lot of modern house. I'm always impressed with how powerful and punchy the drums are, like a short punch to the eardrum.

I've tried using a limiter to get this effect, but it's just not the same. Any suggestions?


A limiter just prevents peak, it doesn't alter the frequency balance or anything but the volume. You might be using samples without a lot of inherent impact, or you might not be processor them right. Try boosting the bass drum in the 100-200Hz region, see if you get some more punch out of it. Also try layering it with other bass drums. Furthermore, you could side-chain it to other tracks so that when it hits, they duck. it gives it a little more room to be loud, but more importantly creates the illusion of it being much louder by ducking the other tracks. Also, make sure you're not muddying up the low end with a bunch of other sounds.


Lots of things can add punch.

1. The first thing to do to create a phat beat is find the right samples first.

2. Layers. Layer your snares, and pan out your high frequencies - a lot of people forget about panning claps and hats!

3. E.Q.

4. Compression.

5. Reverb.

Steps 3, 4 and 5 take some time to learn, and they can be interchangable in order. A short reverb can add a hell of a lot of impact.

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