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should i switch from ableton to protools

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I've used four different music programs, two of them trackers, then GarageBand and now Logic. I spent years on each, switching was always weird and difficult, and it always took long before I got to the same level in the new program.

Switching always requires time both to learn the new program and to adjust your workflow to it. Some of the tools you used might not be there, or you can't use them the same way. I'd say that unless you have a good reason to switch - such as compatibility with school or work, incompatibility with required hardware/software, or simply that you find yourself limited by the software rather than by your ability to use it - don't. If you do, do it. Just time it right so you don't leave any commitments hanging while you adjust to the new software.

tl;dr v: Unless you're limited by what you're using now, don't switch.

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Pro Tools is only good for mixing if you buy a HD system with all the super plug-ins, and it's more aimed at totally live recordings with 100 tracks.

I also couldn't be more different from ableton. Logic is just as functional for surround mixing imo, and doesn't cost thousands of dolla. Far more bang for the buck mixing wise.

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Pro Tools is only good for mixing if you buy a HD system with all the super plug-ins, and it's more aimed at totally live recordings with 100 tracks.

I also couldn't be more different from ableton. Logic is just as functional for surround mixing imo, and doesn't cost thousands of dolla. Far more bang for the buck mixing wise.

yah i understand that, like for people who record things with multiple instruments with racks etc. some rich kid i know in my school said his dad bought the package for $3,000 interface for PTHD. what kinda super plugins, anything better then my moog or (cheap) compressor and exciter rack. like the IOzone mastering suit, tell me, i may still try it.

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Yeah, it sounds like you think spending money will make you a better mixer. It won't.

no i mean for the 5.1, i never said im buying HD lol, i know money cant buy mixing lol , i mean protools 5.1 mixing cause i heard you can mix 5.1 with various methods, and i dont have any 5.1 mixers and i cant buy sony acid atm, but my bud can give me a copy of protools if i want.

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no i mean for the 5.1, i never said im buying HD lol, i know money cant buy mixing lol , i mean protools 5.1 mixing cause i heard you can mix 5.1 with various methods, and i dont have any 5.1 mixers and i cant buy sony acid atm, but my bud can give me a copy of protools if i want.

Why the f*** do you think you want to mix in 5.1?

I mean, seriously, are you mixing a film? Are you mixing a AAA game with a major publisher? Do you actually need this capability?

I have SONAR X1 Studio and I can mix in 5.1 but jesus why the hell would I want to? There's really no point unless I'm mixing a film or for some AAA game.

Wait until someone pays you to mix in 5.1, then budget in the cost of an HD system.

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Why the f*** do you think you want to mix in 5.1?

I mean, seriously, are you mixing a film? Are you mixing a AAA game with a major publisher? Do you actually need this capability?

I have SONAR X1 Studio and I can mix in 5.1 but jesus why the hell would I want to? There's really no point unless I'm mixing a film or for some AAA game.

Wait until someone pays you to mix in 5.1, then budget in the cost of an HD system.

I have videos to edit for SWD, and fl is anoying to mix in 5.1, i will try sonar x1 then i guess :P

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Wait, so you're going to mix in 5.1 but you don't have a 5.1 setup?

that was a interface quesion, im just off interface, i can still pan 5.1 in fl with the template (cause i have a 5.1 sound card but no audio interface), dispite that i could just buy a interface tommorow or wait till my good pc is fixed then get a new interface.

Edit i made a thread on 5.1 vsts but 1 person told me to get sony acid or use vegas but i cant buy that software atm.

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