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Thoughts on Suteki da Ne / Isn't it Beautiful Translation?

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The translation and singing are very good, I think. Yaxley's voice is particularly well-suited for it. Meshing them with the surrounding dialogue in the game (especially with about 8 minutes of it) was a bit distracting, though. Can you post a link to the song or its file alone?


I'm a big fan of this, I must say I love Katethegreat19's versiona bit more, but the english to japanese translation award goes to this, she's very good, and I think she got it as close as it can be while still making alot of sense in english.


Unfortunately, I've never found a lyrical translation or vocal performance that hasn't bugged me to death. I think the tune is a fantastic and beautiful one, but honestly, every time someone sings to it... they break the spell, so to speak.

Not sure this is the right forum for this, though. This forum is reserved for remixes that are being worked on, not arrangements that have already been made.

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