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Zelda Link's Awakening Remix - Southern Face Shrine

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Wait. . . wat? No Mystery Dungeon this time? WTF HAX

Anyway, something different this time. . . a remix of the Southern Face Shrine theme from LOZ: Link's Awakening. I started it last night, finished it this afternoon. Besides for the low synth being panned too far to the left at times in the intro and at other times (I'm in the process of fixing this now), let me know what you think. hahahahah EDIT: It's been fixed.


The name of the remix itself is "Castaway, You Should Know the Truth."

Source if needed:




Very nice. I noticed a subtle "Windfish ballad" cameo near the end. Maybe you could bring a bit more of that theme aswell as a bit more of your own orignal melody.


ou could make the intro even more atmospheric with a little more reverb and sound effects.

Even though this is a chillout song, I think the ending could have more of a climax. Not sure how, without losing the feel, but it could. Good stuff

Very nice. I noticed a subtle "Windfish ballad" cameo near the end. Maybe you could bring a bit more of that theme aswell as a bit more of your own orignal melody.


ou could make the intro even more atmospheric with a little more reverb and sound effects.

Even though this is a chillout song, I think the ending could have more of a climax. Not sure how, without losing the feel, but it could. Good stuff

Hey thanks for the feedback!

Ok, I want this as a mod review but for some reason it won't let me edit the first post for a mod review. . . That being said. . .

If a mod happens to see this, could you please consider this a Mod Review thread?

And here's an update: just some EQ adjustments http://tindeck.com/listen/cuwn

Thanks, lol

I'm such a noob :\


This is pretty effin sexy.

I don't have much critique. Except the drums around the midway point. A little after the midway, you added cymbals and then left the drums alone. Make them heavier. Same tempo, but with more 'oomph', as they say. Adds impact. Of course, tone it down when the other instruments come into play.

The bass could be improved slightly, as well.



Pretty chill song! The little interlude between the melody at the 2/3s or so part is nice; it's got kind of a ocean-waves flow to it. I also dig the Windfish Ballad cameo thrown in!


I like the beat, and this is very nice and relaxing. I remember the original song as being kinda catchy, but not outstanding from the original game. But this remix takes it up 5 notches - up to 11! It's very delicious. 9/10.

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