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*NO* Eternal Champions 'Eternal Lament' *RESUB/DIFF VERSION*

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Email sub file Robbie Sabo - Eternal Lament.mp3 - djp

LT Edit - Original decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=47575


My Name is Robbie (artist name - AkumajoBelmont)...

I have a different version of a track of mine ('Eternal Lament' from the game Eternal Champions) that i would like to be judged instead of the first version i have sent you. is there any possible way to stay where i am at in the cue, but have you look at this version i am sending you???

If that was possible, i would be eternally greatful!!!

Everything i have said about the previous version is applicable. This is a track close to my heart, and i believe it to be good enough to be posted on OC remix:)

Changes i have made to this track are minimal.... played with levels and removed the repeat of the chorus at the end of the song...

Thanks again for your time:)

Robbie (AkumajoBelmont)


What did we say about this last time?


Everything i have said about the previous version is applicable.

Wow, I could almost say the same thing, cause this came to us before he could see the decision that we made on his previous version. The low-fi drums have ceased to become an issue now, they're still there, but he's balanced it out with eq or something, it's just not bothering me like it did before.

But I'll say again what I said before (but a little bit clearer this time). Needs to be longer, with some orginal stuff added in, like your own new melody or something like that, or a breakdown, change it up cause this isn't finished yet. Sounds very nice at the mo.



http://www.zophar.net/gym/etrnchmp.rar - "Introduction"

Sorry, bro, but the same central issues are still present. Do more to make the arrangement unique. Same advice from the last time around applies. I also don't know why the ending is so abrupt now, but don't do that. Give it a satisfying resolution. Hopefully you already used judging comments on the first version to make some changes already. Best of luck if you decide to come back.

NO (revise & resubmit)

Sorry you didn't get your changes done in time, but to Robbie and anyone else that hopes to revise a track after they've already sent off their e-mail to djp, be sure to upload a revision to the exact same URL you give in your submissions letter and don't wait for too long to revise it.

  • 3 weeks later...

note: I haven't heard the original version, nor have I read the thread (I will after I finish my vote, though).

I'm really liking the mood here. There's a distinct Elfman style going on, reminiscent of the type of orchestral work Tyler Heath (Unknown) does. Really, GREAT job on the instrumentation and production here. There is a very clean and clear sound throughout with top-notch mixing, well-processed drums, and great samples. Good work on the drum variations, the automated effects, etc. Excellent sequencing, nice subtle harmony stuff too. I seriously can't emphasize this part enough: this is very cool!

Unfortunately, and it KILLS me to say this, the arrangement itself needs a little more work. If you could just expand the mix (maybe add about a minute more of material total) by adding some original sections, more variations on the initial theme, maybe extending the buildup to the fantastic climax and extending the climax itself, this would very easily earn a yes from me. Please resubmit - this is extremely good stuff, one of the most enjoyable and unique mixes I've heard for a long time, and I'd love to see it on this site!!



When I first heard this I was pretty impressed and didn't really understand why there were 3 no's already. Unfortunately, after taking a listen to the source material I can see where the other judges are coming from.

Aside from the ending being a bit of cop-out, this is remarkably similar to the original. It sounds great, and fans of the game will love it no doubt, but it doesn't really fit in with what we do on this site.


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