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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Take the World Back'


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Remixed by: Acolyte

John Imbler



User I.D. 41247

Game: Donkey Kong Country 3

Track: Northern Kremisphere

Platform: Super Nintendo

Source Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M65L-R9Ds5Y

Download Link to Remix:


The source material, for me, was perfect for the game, and its use as the world map music. You have this kind of happy, but soaring intro, and then the bass and drums come in and the other half is this darker, almost sad feeling to it.

Take the world backs aim was to do this in reverse. It starts out dark and powerful, and then the other half is upbeat, hence the "Take the World Back" title; from the kremlins.

I have the synth bass playing the bass line from the source through out, the majority of the time it is being played in octaves and has swing on it to give it some more movement.

The pads are playing the darker melody from the sources second half, for the tracks first half.

I also was liberal in changing the melody up and adding to it through out the song. The the dark melody can be heard in the lower piano towards the end during the upbeat section.

Another thing to take note of is the huge cinematic sounding percussion, heard most prominently in the begging but used throughout. This was derived straight from the cinematic drums used in the source, They play similar if not the same as well.

There was not much going on in the source in terms of melody, as I felt it was more of an ambient piece, so the real goal was to add a lot of movement to it while still keeping the large expansive atmosphere of the original.



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There are some decent moments here, but the track reeeaaaaly strays from the original to the point where im not hearing any connection for most of the track. The arrangement also feels really drawn out and repetitive in spots, especially the ending. In some spots, such as 2:00, and 4:26, there are some really dissonant passing tones that don't resolve.

Production needs some work as well, with the individual instruments sounding pretty good, but the mixing is off, and there is a lot of mud, making things sound washed out.

The foundation is there, but it needs to tie into the source a lot more, and the production balance needs to be tweaked.


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Very little I can add to Andrew's vote here. I like your choice of instruments, and there are plenty of sections that sound pretty nice, but right now there are time where it's very hard to make out the source in this, or you go a long time without hearing an reference to it. Along with that is the spots that are a bit repetitive, which could be changed up or shortened up a bit.

Again repeating Andrew that the production needs some work to clear everything up.

You've got a start, but it needs some work.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This had problems on several fronts. The bass sounded similar to the original, but not quite the same, and that was the only connecting factor I heard for much of this. The mixing was off something fierce, the drums were tucked in and washed out, those needed to be more at the forefront to maintain energy. The piano and lead synths were very stiff and needed the same level of detail that the strings had. There are also sections where the soundscape is too sparse and there needed to be more filling the space.


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