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ReMix Title: Among the Stars

URL (V1): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/398728

Just updated it, now with a melody from another song, which plays in the Valley of Avalar in DotD; a shorter intro; and some EQ work to make it less muddy.

URL (V2): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/400632

Game(s): The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning*, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

Song(s): Credits by Rebecca Kneubuhl and Gabriel Mann,

by Rebecca Kneubuhl and Gabriel Mann

*Song is also in The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night and The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, but is not in the official soundtracks

I've noticed there's not a single remix from any of the Spyro games on OCR... I disapprove. ;)

I finally got hold of Dawn of the Dragon a couple weeks ago, and it was well worth the wait. As I was exploring the Valley of Avalar, the theme from the credits of A New Beginning started playing in the background, and it occurred to me that it would make a good dance song. With that thought, I headed to YouTube to find out how to achieve the pumping-and-breathing effect, then fired up FLStudio... a few days later, Among the Stars was completed. [EDIT: Never mind...]

For some reason, my remix here evokes a scene in my head: Spyro and Cynder are settling down for the night under a clear, starry sky when Cynder realizes they may very well be killed at any time, so she urges Spyro to take advantage of the peace they have and enjoy the moment.

"Shall we dance?"

*Formerly titled Dragon Dance


I'm just going to go ahead and say it...

Dragon Dance (title) reminds me of Pokemon. It's a Pokemon move haha...I know its not related, but I can't help it.

I believe it has a pretty good beat and all but doesn't strike me as amazing, its definitely worth a listen though.


The source being as good as it is all on its own, you really put a lot on your plate. I applaud you making this effort, because it really is a travesty that there are no Spyro remixes – The Legend of Spyro in particular, regardless of what one thinks of those games, really makes remixes possible.

That said, if you're intending to submit this for judging then I'd recommend working on it some more. Ultimately, what this sounds like is the entire source tune broken down into vocals and melody and then tied together again, almost exactly as it originally was, with a series of prefabricated samples; there doesn't seem to be anything reflective of you the artist. And while the mix isn't ruined because of that, it's still not a particularly expressive piece. If I had to pick a word for it, I'd say it was "nice". Not great, not amazing, but certainly not horrible, either; it's just not that evocative.

You say you got this together in a few days, and I believe you – it sounds like a few days was all the effort you put into it. My biggest issue is that it takes nearly two full minutes for the melody to actually come out, and in a six-minute song that's a long stretch of little more than samples to sit through.

Probably my favorite part is from 5:40 to the end. It's a pleasant, gentle conclusion to the song and reminds me almost of a wind-up music box helping someone go to sleep by reminding that person of good memories, and then it cuts off in the middle of the tune as its winding runs down. Very peaceful.

In all, I think this is a good start; there's a lot of potential here and I look forward to hearing more from you. (Also, as a sort of aside, this strikes me as less of a "Dragon Dance" than it does a "Starlit Flight".)



The first thing that came to mind, was that you could basically lose the first minute and a half of the song. It's droning in a bad way without building up to anything. All you really need is about 15 seconds or so to establish the beat that's going to used throughout much of the mix, and then let the melody of the original song come in (the part around 1:45).

I'm also not too sure about the whole fade in/fade out of the choral sample. It starts feeling like the bass of the drum is too much for something to handle, and acts more like a defect in the mixing than a purposefully chosen effect at times. Maybe that's what you were after, but it feels... off. Perhaps something else to vary up the choral part? Different effects? Having it get cut off rhythmically during the sample's playing?

Might I also suggest more of a build up for the second half of the song? It hits a certain point earlier in the mix (around the 3:10 point), and never gets built any higher. For the final time the beat, melody and such play after the 4:30 mark, it feels like it should be going all out, but it isn't. It's just a repeat of the previous time it all played. Try making it fuller sounding in that area with new instruments that you could tease the listener with earlier in the song (small sections where it plays here and there, etc.), then full on assault them with everything for final time through before the quiet ending plays.

It's not a bad start, it's just too long for it's own good and could use some trimming. And I think with one a final step up in fullness and sound on that last melody/beat play through, it would help push the mix further.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Take them or leave them as you see fit.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it...

Dragon Dance (title) reminds me of Pokemon. It's a Pokemon move haha...I know its not related, but I can't help it.

:< I know, I couldn't think of a better name at the time. But yes, I couldn't help but think, "The Pokémon reference kinda kills it..."


You say you got this together in a few days, and I believe you – it sounds like a few days was all the effort you put into it. My biggest issue is that it takes nearly two full minutes for the melody to actually come out, and in a six-minute song that's a long stretch of little more than samples to sit through.

Probably my favorite part is from 5:40 to the end. It's a pleasant, gentle conclusion to the song and reminds me almost of a wind-up music box helping someone go to sleep by reminding that person of good memories, and then it cuts off in the middle of the tune as its winding runs down. Very peaceful.


(Also, as a sort of aside, this strikes me as less of a "Dragon Dance" than it does a "Starlit Flight".)

Now I feel kinda stupid for having already submitted it. *facepalms* Now I have to wait three weeks...

I agree on the ending -- I love how that turned out. Thanks for mentioning that -- it just struck me that I could automate the tempo to slow the ending down gradually, more like a *cough* music box or something.

I totally drew a blank on the title, too. I like your idea better. >.<

The first thing that came to mind, was that you could basically lose the first minute and a half of the song. [...] All you really need is about 15 seconds or so to establish the beat that's going to used throughout much of the mix, and then let the melody of the original song come in (the part around 1:45).

I'm also not too sure about the whole fade in/fade out of the choral sample. It starts feeling like the bass of the drum is too much for something to handle, and acts more like a defect in the mixing than a purposefully chosen effect at times. Maybe that's what you were after, but it feels... off.


Might I also suggest more of a build up for the second half of the song? [...] For the final time the beat, melody and such play after the 4:30 mark, it feels like it should be going all out, but it isn't. It's just a repeat of the previous time it all played. Try making it fuller sounding in that area with new instruments that you could tease the listener with earlier in the song (small sections where it plays here and there, etc.), then full on assault them with everything for final time through before the quiet ending plays.

It's not a bad start, it's just too long for it's own good and could use some trimming. And I think with one a final step up in fullness and sound on that last melody/beat play through, it would help push the mix further.

That's probably the best music review I've ever gotten, in terms of constructive feedback. I probably will take a lot of your suggestions. I guess I made it a little too dance-club-y for its own good...

I actually was going for that bass-drowning effect there -- it's a popular house technique called "pumping and breathing".

Also, I was playing DotD last night and it struck me that I could probably work in the main melody from the Valley of Avalar pretty well, too, so I might try that.

Again, I feel stupid for already submitting this. As of now, it's a work in progress...

I agree on the ending -- I love how that turned out. Thanks for mentioning that -- it just struck me that I could automate the tempo to slow the ending down gradually, more like a *cough* music box or something.

You can slow it down if you want, or you don't have to – I assure you that it sounds quite fine the way it is. I just brought it up because that was the one part of the entire song that sounded exactly right in my mind.

I totally drew a blank on the title, too. I like your idea better. >.<

You're welcome to it – it was just a thought I had. ("Among the Stars" is very nice.)

Now I feel kinda stupid for having already submitted it. *facepalms* Now I have to wait three weeks... As of now, it's a work in progress...

No worries. Just don't be surprised if it gets rejected, and (obviously) consider everything the judges say. You're probably never going to please all of them, but they'll undoubtedly provide you with plenty of ideas for further improvement.



Damn you backspace button for taking me away from this page and eliminating my text!!!

Anyways, I really like this mix. It has a space-like atmosphere that appeals to me somehow. The main thing that disturbs me is the fake vocals have a noticable delay. (EDIT: this problem is only noticeable in the beginning. Once the instruments take over, the rest of the song is fine) First comes the first pitch, then it ends, then the second pitch, then it ends. I would make it so that the fake vocals flow more fluidly so that its connected enough to remove that uncomfortable dead space (or as I call it, an Issac Clarke).

Damn you backspace button for taking me away from this page and eliminating my text!!!

Anyways, I really like this mix. It has a space-like atmosphere that appeals to me somehow. The main thing that disturbs me is the fake vocals have a noticable delay. (EDIT: this problem is only noticeable in the beginning. Once the instruments take over, the rest of the song is fine) First comes the first pitch, then it ends, then the second pitch, then it ends. I would make it so that the fake vocals flow more fluidly so that its connected enough to remove that uncomfortable dead space (or as I call it, an Issac Clarke).

If you listen to the source tune (check the first post for "Credits" by Rebecca Kneubuhl), that's actually how the original song is. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though! ^^


I like the style you have here, but I think there are some issues that need to be worked out.

I would get rid of some mid on those synth vox, they sound a bit muddy.

The percussion sounds like it's missing something. . .A bit more 'oomph' in that snare (or maybe a more solid sample) I think would help it out, along with some other fills.

It seems to me like the song doesn't really have a base to it. . . I think a more solid bass (lol base/bass) would give this song a lot more structure. Try having the bass play the root note of the chord more often.

I'm no professional (especially at critiquing) but I'm just going by what I, an attentive listener, hears when listening to the song.

I like the style you have here, but I think there are some issues that need to be worked out.

I would get rid of some mid on those synth vox, they sound a bit muddy.

The percussion sounds like it's missing something. . .A bit more 'oomph' in that snare (or maybe a more solid sample) I think would help it out, along with some other fills.

It seems to me like the song doesn't really have a base to it. . . I think a more solid bass (lol base/bass) would give this song a lot more structure. Try having the bass play the root note of the chord more often.

I'm no professional (especially at critiquing) but I'm just going by what I, an attentive listener, hears when listening to the song.

The choir actually sounded a lot muddier in the first version, before I high-pass-filtered it. You are going by the second version, right?

I know the snare's kinda light, but part of the reason I left it that way in V2 is that the last section needed more oomph, and I accomplished that in part by using more powerful drums in the ending. Again, that's only in V2....

I know the bass leaves something to be desired in terms of power, but one thing about me is I take pride in using non-generic basslines. I could easily use the root note of the chord, leaving the bass strong but boring. However, I prefer the satisfaction I get from making the bass its own complex, symphonic instrument.

That's not to say I don't value your feedback -- I do, very much -- I just disagree. ;P

Thank you for the in-depth critique! ^^

The choir actually sounded a lot muddier in the first version, before I high-pass-filtered it. You are going by the second version, right?

I know the snare's kinda light, but part of the reason I left it that way in V2 is that the last section needed more oomph, and I accomplished that in part by using more powerful drums in the ending. Again, that's only in V2....

I know the bass leaves something to be desired in terms of power, but one thing about me is I take pride in using non-generic basslines. I could easily use the root note of the chord, leaving the bass strong but boring. However, I prefer the satisfaction I get from making the bass its own complex, symphonic instrument.

That's not to say I don't value your feedback -- I do, very much -- I just disagree. ;P

Thank you for the in-depth critique! ^^

Absolutely perfectly respectable in terms of the bass. :D Artistic license ftw (guilty as charged myself) honestly, solid bass is just a personal preference of mine. If you like that bass progression, keep it :D That's all there is to it.

I'm actually pretty bad at giving technical critique since everything I do musically is really feel-oriented. . . I'm just going by what I hear, telling you my opinion on the music, really without specific knowledge about how to attain a better product. For this lack of knowledge I apologize :(

What I CAN tell you is that that vox can definitely be cleared up more. . . On 'breathy' instruments like that, you don't really want to have too much mid-range EQ (it sounds to me like there's a lot of mid-range on it). Try decreasing the mid range on the vox. If that doesn't work, try decreasing the 'dryness' of the reverb to make it a little less harsh. If that doesn't work. . . then I've failed in my attempt to critique, and I apologize once again X(

What I CAN tell you is that that vox can definitely be cleared up more. . . On 'breathy' instruments like that, you don't really want to have too much mid-range EQ (it sounds to me like there's a lot of mid-range on it). Try decreasing the mid range on the vox. If that doesn't work, try decreasing the 'dryness' of the reverb to make it a little less harsh. If that doesn't work. . . then I've failed in my attempt to critique, and I apologize once again X(

There's nothing at all wrong with your feedback. ^^ As for the choir, I'll definitely try messing with it to get a cleaner sound at some point. I hadn't even thought of reducing the reverb (which was built into the synth, by the way, but I CAN edit it).

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