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*NO* Final Fantasy 10 'To the End'


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* Charlie Atom

* José Carlos Peláez Lazo

* jcpelaez@live.com

* http://charlieatom.com

* Your userid: "42777 "

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* Final Fantasy X

* To Zanarkand

* Nobuo Uematsu


This is a Progressive House Remix of "To Zanarkand". The original song is at 3/4, I had to replay all the piano part to make it 4/4 for a dance song. I used a lot of sidechain compresion.

I named it "To The End" because everytime I listen the song I think the game is going to end. I used Nexus, Sylenth and Atrutia Minimoog, with a lot of percussion samples.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The production being pressed way harder than it needs to be is my first impression. :/

The arrangement is pretty interpretive and works well, though some of the extended sections without dominant source usage slowly add up. Changing it to 4/4 works and is a cool spin.

Production-wise, the sounds are well chosen and gel, but the massive over-compression is hurting this a lot. That definitely needs to be toned down before this can pass.

No, please resubmit

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  • 4 weeks later...

1982 called, they want their piano back.

Yeah this a generally well conceived mix, just missing the polish. I would disagree that the problem is overcompression though :P. The problem is there isn't really a gel holding the elements together. Everything sounds a little seperated, nothing really complementing another layer properly. Pretty much every synth sounds like it's not quite sitting in the mix well. They sound like unrelated presets that haven't been tweaked to work together. Sorry if it's a little difficult to give a meaningful solution to this problem.

Hot damn, transition before the half way mark went on way longer then I expected in a good way. That's a place where you've definitely gotten things right. Sounds like you have the potential to bring this up a few more notches into the zone. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

NO, plz resub

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