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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Can't Boss Us Around' *RESUB*

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are definitely a lot of improvements going on here, but I think in some cases the improvements went a little too far. The countermelody actually needs to be a tad louder now, and the reverb is a little bit much, but is alright as is. Hearing this cleaned up has brought to light that the arrangement overall is a bit sparse overall, and repetitious, and I'm disappointed in myself for not noticing it the first time I judged it. I think you could do more to expand on the source theme here. I will mention that the very end (2:27) with the changed bass line is actually a great start, and I would like to hear more of that sort of expansion overall. The drum sequencing could use a little more spice as well.

There is a lot of improvement from the first sub, but it needs some more work.

NO (resubmit)


In some ways this is a step forward, and in some ways, a step back.

First, you brought the volumes down, which is good, and the reverb, while still high is more manageable. I think you brought the counterpoint down too much though, so it feels a bit disconnected to the track, and makes things feel even more empty and repetitious than the first time around. I think now that the soundscape is cleaner, and the counterpoint is down, it feels like an afterthought. That part needs to come back a little more.

The compression issue I heard before was gone, so nice work there, and things felt a lot cleaner on the production side as a whole.

So overall, the production is much improved, still a bit much reverb, but the counterpoint was taken down too far, now revealing the song to being super repetitive. Needs to be adjusted, and maybe mix up the parts a bit more. Keep at it!

No, please resubmit

  • 1 month later...

Yep, an improvement, but still doesn't have the mixing smoothness that it would need to be over the bar. The drums and bass are still sitting in a very weird place, way out front. I mean, sometimes drums are ok to have out front like that, the bass shouldn't be there. I really think you should find a similar song (maybe some Nine Inch Nails?) and do some A-B comparisons to get the instrument shapes and levels correct. The arrangement doesn't need to change as far as I'm concerned - it's good enough to meet the bar. If you can get the production where it needs to be, you're there.

NO (resubmit)

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