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*NO* Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Miles Hyrule'


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ReMixer Name: Boximus

Real Name: Jacob Johnson

Contact: JacobJohnsonBass@gmail.com

Title: Miles Hyrule

Game: Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past

Song: Overworld

Comments: This remix (my first, as a matter of fact) came about while just playing about with some samples. I had been listening to a lot of Miles Davis, and after looking over the site wondering what I should do, I realized there weren't very many jazz arrangements about. While Legend of Zelda remixes are rather abundant, I thought a cool jazz version would be an interesting take on the memorable theme. There's something to be said about doing more with less, and I think that was definitely a signature of Miles' playing. I had an awful lot of fun with this, especially with the trumpet itself, and I hope others enjoy it as much as I do.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was really excited when I started listening to this, because it is a totally unique take on this source. Everything is super laid back, and the arrangement fits well in the jazz style. Production is fairly clean, although I think the bass could use to come up a little.

The mix is unfortunately very short, and could use a little more to it overall. I think there's some great development to it, but it just seemed to need more. The ending is by far the weakest spot of the entire mix, and really needs to be improved.

I hope you fix this up!

NO (resubmit please!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

agree with Deia here, this is pretty great, but damn, is it short, and a lot of parts have a tenuous relationship with the source. The trumpet sounds pretty good, but the bass is lacking a certain warmth that could be fixed with EQ.

I think the idea is fantastic, but it needs a little bit more polish to pass.

No, please resubmit

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know about the trumpet myself, the articulations all sounded the same and the vibrato didn't always seem natural. the bass could also use a little more beef on the lower end as the other judges mentioned. loving the approach to the arrangement; it has great potential, but it's short and a little bit sparse. I hope you decide to expand on this a bit more. :)


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