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Did this one a little while back. Touched it up here and there and now I'm finally happy with it.

I'll say it now: This is not a submission to OC Remix as it isn't up to their standards, but if you know me, I'm not aiming for those to begin with.

With that said, please do enjoy it.

Any and all comments are also welcome.

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Song: "Ridley Theme"

Game: "Super Metroid"

Remix By: Gavin MacLean

Midi Basis By: King Meteor

Listen to it here!

Download it here!


Nice sound design in the intro. Midi-rip-y as it goes on, but with some nice original additions (yours or Meteor's?). Bass range is cluttered, you should learn to mix it cleaner (mostly eq stuff, takes a bit of practice to figure out how to get bass drum and bass to play nice together). Noticeable compression, probably as a result of trying to make it loud enough. Learn some other techniques to push the loudness of your tracks, and learn to tell when it's too much.

Those are my thoughts on it. I remixed this for boss themes, and the source is a great source of inspiration for learning both time signatures and how to make a badass remix of it. ;) You're learning. Keep doing that. :)

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