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Email sub file Chrono_Trigger_Utopian_Discord_OC_ReMix.mp3 - djp

First of all, sorry I e-mailed the song to you. My only other option was giving you a link to my Soundclick page, but...

1) The Soundclick version doesn't have the proper tags, and

2) You'd have to get a Soundclick account to download the file.

Anyway, here's the vital info for my submission:

Name: Arglebargle (my name on your forums)

Song: Utopian Discord

Game: Chrono Trigger

This is my first attempt at a video game remix, and I chose to re-arrange the Zeal theme from Chrono Trigger. Yeah I know, there's only like, 500 Zeal remixes, so I'm not exactly breaking any new ground.

I'm pretty sure I have all the proper tags in the mp3 file, and I think I used the proper filename for the piece, so you should be good to go.

This seems like a much more complicated submission process than VGMix, so if I did anything wrong, let me know! ;)

You seem to have fairly discerning standards at OC Remix, if the amount of rejected songs are anything to judge by, so I'm very interested in seeing how my song is received.

Well, I guess that's it.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Corridors of Time" (ct-3-04.spc) & "Chrono Trigger (part 1)" (ct-1-02a.spc) [1:16-1:43]

The arrangement of the source melody itself is way too basic. This track changes some notes/keys, but beyond that, it feels like the original plus drums, effects & etc from :36 onward. The performance, in regards to the acoustic guitar synth, needs some work. Not enough dynamics here, as coming out of the string solo area at 3:48, the intensity is the same as what was started at 1:45. Arrangement needs a ton of work relative to the site standards; direct your energy toward making the arrangement more creative & unique compared to the original.



I don't have much to add on what Larry said. Arrangement is pretty weak overall, though it was a good first attempt. The syncopation of the guitar for the first part of the mix also sounds very strange, though the problem is fixed later. Harmony and melody notes seem to clash at various points too, oof. In terms of execution, the samples and synths are all sub-par. Hit the remixing forum and start looking around for some better sounds there - you'll also find several threads that will help you with your synth work. The percussion isn't as bad as the other parts, but it's fairly dry. Process it more with effects such as reverb, and use the equalizer (sparingly) to make hihats/shakers brighter or bass drums deeper. As it is, the different sounds become muddy when played together.

NO - keep practicing.


A simplistic take of incredible source material. This is a good example of why it's so difficult to mix great pieces. This just doesn't compare very favorably with the original.

Another main issue here for me is all the clashing of the harmony with the melody. This happens way too frequently throughout the mix.

Otherwise this has a lot of promise. Neat solo string parts. I particularly liked the last half as it got more interesting towards the end. I would suggest working on this again, with a lot of fixing in mind. Could have been a great mix, but the execution just drags this down.


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