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Okay -- I haven't seen any rules against this, so if this isn't allowed, I apologize in advance and thank a moderator for setting my stupid self straight. (I did read the rules first, so if I somehow missed something, it was indeed stupid on my part.)

There are two specific pieces of game music I was desperately hoping to hear remixed in a rock fashion.

Mega Man 7 - Ending Theme/Credits


Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Battle With the Dark King


I don't care which ReMixer does it -- I personally think you all rock, and couldn't even begin to fathom what you guys do. So... if somebody is serious about ReMixing these two tunes, I will happily donate to a PayPal account for the ReMixer in question. (I don't believe anybody here is a scumbag enough to rip me off, and in truth, it's a donation anyway.)

And this isn't the place, and it is very likely answered elsewhere, but... can we donate to the site too? I know bandwidth isn't cheap and I get a LOT of awesome music from y'all.


And this isn't the place, and it is very likely answered elsewhere, but... can we donate to the site too? I know bandwidth isn't cheap and I get a LOT of awesome music from y'all.

look at the veeeery tippy top of the page

see that thing that says "home" over the OCR logo?

look right next to it


See, I told you -- with me, it's back to the stupid.

But seriously, if I had asked that exact same question on other forums, like twenty people would've responded with snarky attitudes ranging from subtle insults to outright death threats.

Thank you for being polite to the newbie, Gollgagh.


It's great to hear that supporters like you want to donate. Asking to give money to a good cause is never a stupid question.

Anyways, I could see someone remixing the second link. The track sounds like it would make an epic rock ballad. I don't have the instruments, but someone else can do this I'm certain.


Thank you as well, Nonamer. It's because of forum members like you and Gollgagh that I wasn't afraid to stop being a lurker and actually starting hanging out here.

And it's never much, since I'm saving up for a Mustang -- but when I have forty or fifty bucks here or there every three or four weeks, I can't think of a place I'd want to spend it more than on OverClocked, or my other two musical addictions, the Protomen and the Megas.

And I'm also glad I'm not the only one who can see an epic track out of that Dark King/Final Battle music -- I think it could rival that Black Mages remix of FFVI's Decisive Battle, really.

Thanks again, y'all. And thanks to the remixers who make all this awesome music, and the moderators who give us a place to find it all easily. :-)

But seriously, if I had asked that exact same question on other forums, like twenty people would've responded with snarky attitudes ranging from subtle insults to outright death threats.

Wait, what? You ask to donate and help a site out and people on other forums rant and rave against you? If that's not ass backward then I don't know what is :shock:

That just doesn't make sense at all. Glad you found the button alright.

Sorry I can't help make a rock song for you, though it would be fun to hear someone do those tracks.

  • 3 weeks later...
Wait, what? You ask to donate and help a site out and people on other forums rant and rave against you? If that's not ass backward then I don't know what is :shock:

That just doesn't make sense at all. Glad you found the button alright.

Sorry I can't help make a rock song for you, though it would be fun to hear someone do those tracks.

Yeah, there's been a couple of places that I shan't name (I'm a Mustang/Camaro/Challenger enthusiast) that basically called me an idiot for not knowing where the 'donate' button was located.

But OCRemix is a damned good cause, and people like you guys prove it's awesome. Thanks, Gario.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks those two tracks would be cool as rock remixes. Or even remixed in the style of the 'For You,' Mega Man 2 remix, or the 'Smooth Steel' Mega Man 2 remix. I seriously was shocked at how great those two were.

And, I'll also be happy to donate to the ReMixers who do these two songs, if they want.


P.S. You all kick ass. :-)

  • 2 weeks later...

And I found one other selection from Mega Man 7 that I had actually forgotten about, but once I remembered it... I personally think this track would be absolutely f'n EPIC if done in a hard rock format by a ReMixer like Ailsean, Sixto Sounds, and so on... I'm sure you get the idea.


And like I said before, I would be so totally willing to donate fifty or sixty bucks through PayPal to the ReMixer who does one, or even all of these three pieces of music. That's fifty to sixty dollars for each song... I know that the ReMixers here are honest and wouldn't just slap something of poor quality together.


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