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I need help looking for more music like this


Now it may not be "music" in the eyes of the OC Remix community, perhaps. but i enjoy it. I remember downloading a torrent a few years back with Megadriver, The Advantage, Minibosses, NESkimos etc etc and there was a +10 min Zelda one that i cant seem to remember who did. I'm also looking for more like this here.

please know, that Ive heard all amazing brando, action adventure world, and the adventures of duane and brand0. so anything similar to these 2 types would be greatly appreciated


Ah you want something like radio dramas or just the music itself..?

One that comes to my mind would be the telling of Peter and the Wolf


Here's also another one that's sort of a parody of the media, including using stock soundtracks I remembered being used by both old radio, Ren & Stimpy as well as some other cartoons.

Here's the non-orated version, just the music sans sound effects.


im looking for like a story while the music from the game plays along with it.

the zelda one im thinking of it has the first song from ocarina of time and theres a guy who voices link and navi and as they progress through the game, the music changes depending on where they are. for example they enter a dungeon and the dungeon theme from zelda 1 plays in the background. but the song isnt straight from the game, its been re done by the people/person that remade that song

if that makes sense? i could explain it more if you want

also any albums like the castlevania link i posted. its a free album, 8 mins long for the whole cd and he goes through the entire castlevania 3 game singing to each song but it breaks the forth wall when he dies etc etc. he sings in the perspective of the characters hes using, but at the same time when he dies he says "...f***ing cheater" and what not

also can explain more detailed

Edit: Yes like that peter and the wolf. except not reading a story, just a character talking. an example being link leaving kokiri and being like "theres hyrule castle, maybe i should check it out"

Here's also another one that's sort of a parody of the media, including using stock soundtracks I remembered being used by both old radio, Ren & Stimpy as well as some other cartoons.

Here's the non-orated version, just the music sans sound effects.

Haha, that is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I love that stock music. It's used all the time in shows like Spongebob too. Souch cheesy goodness :)

Edit: Yes like that peter and the wolf. except not reading a story, just a character talking. an example being link leaving kokiri and being like "theres hyrule castle, maybe i should check it out"

Ah then the closest you'll get in finding stuff like that would be radio drams or "Drama CDs".

Here's an example of a "Drama CD"

More often than not, aside from the classic radio shows, Japan does them.

As for game related "radio dramas" aside from the one's you've shared, I can't say I've heard any one else do it.

Except for that guy that did the entirety of Okami PS2 version as a playthrough, voicing all the dialogue text. Unfortunately I found him, including the ones you've shared, rather cringe-worthy as they sound very amateurish to me.

Regardless I'm sure some one with good orating skills could do something like that.


I know you're looking for more radio drama type stuff, as well as stuff that remixes the original video game tunes, but when I see the words "video game story music", it just screams


It's a rock opera based heavily on the plot of the Mega Man franchise. I just saw them live a week ago and they were AMAZING. "Father of Death" live is an experience I will never forget.


protomen sounds like it is also the kinda stuff im looking for. i was also gonna say stuff like the megas. which is a band that sings about megaman each song = different robot boss. but some on, this is ocremix.org im sure you guys all know who the megas are


yes!! the oneups? i swear i searched that, guess it was a rare one. but that is exactly it! exactly it!

as for the carbohydro. i like it too, nice instrumentals. and everything.

is there more like it?

as for the carbohydro. i like it too, nice instrumentals. and everything.

is there more like it?


It's the same type of thing as CarboHydroM's one, except its solo piano (which I am a sucker for) going through pretty much every Link to the Past song. Or if guitar is more your thing, virt did a 20 minute Super Metroid compilation for Dwelling of Duels a few years back. Neither of these have much of a story going along with them, but they're the same type of mega-compilation Unsealed is. Zelda Reorchestrated was supposedly working on doing a 'Battlescapes' project a while ago, which was going to have a story voiced over Zelda music, which sounds like what you're looking for. Unforunately, that project appears to have fizzled out.

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