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*NO* Sailor Moon S 'Animosity'


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Remixer: Gario

Real Name: Greg Nourse

E-mail: clay_nourse@yahoo.com

Website: (none)

UserID: 22898

Game Arranged: Sailor Moon S

Song Arranged: Fight with Nekunero (actual track name unknown)

Composer: Unknown (this isn't a game with a lot of information around)

System: Sega PICO

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_r0FmI2YTc (@3:08 )

Apologies for the lack of composer information and the messy source - there are

NOT very many recordings of this game around, and the system is not common, at

all. Perhaps that's why there were no PICO remixes, SEGA. The source is

strongest at 3:08, but there are some sounds that cut into the music channel.

Throughout the video you can hear pieces of the source without the sound cut,

and the transposition is clear enough so you can construct the source from the

video provided (like I had to, in order to remix the track). Sorry that I can't

find any more samples of the source online. Anyway...


Liontamer posted a message showing SEGA tweeting an off hand remark about

OCRemix not including any SEGA PICO remixes on the site. He challenged remixers

on the site to rise up and remix PICO music, and along with a few other fellow

remixers I stepped up to the challenge. Since everyone seemed to be headed for

more traditional games on the platform (Sonic, Pokemon... well, Pokemon on SEGA

is odd, but still), so for fun I decided to look for a terrible looking game

with difficult music and try to turn it into something excellent. I found Sailor

Moon S, and I heard the source and I knew that was the track for me. I spent a

few days between work to produce an electronica remix of the source.

The track starts off light, slowly building to an epic climax; from there it

fades out. Simple, yet elegant. I hope you all enjoy not only one of the first

PICO remixes on OCR, but also the first Sailor Moon game remix on this site.

... and no, I've never seen the show nor played any Sailor Moon game. I just

remix the music from the game.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_r0FmI2YTc 3:08

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Ahh the Pico...I was waiting to see when these would all show up.

So, from what I can make out of the source, you've got a fair amount in here, although it is somewhat liberally used at times. Larry will have fun working this one out, I wish him luck. I think you've done a pretty good job on taking the source in a new direction, but I feel like this goes on for a bit too long. Cutting out about 30-45 seconds would help focus the track overall.

The drumwork is way too repetitive, and could use a look over. The kick could come through a lot more, and the snare sounds a little flimsy as well. Overall the sounds are good; everything fits together in the soundscape even if they aren't the greatest sounds overall. The string sequencing feels a little stiff, especially when it's in the spotlight.

I think it's a lot of little details here, but it's adding up.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woah, loving the soundscape on this! Energetic, creative, and fun, this got my attention immediately.

I think the kick is fine, but the snare could use a bit more bite, once the song gets going. Maybe layer a clap in there, and see how that goes. The arrangement does feel a bit liberal, but there are some good turns and a lot of creative ways to keep it fresh, with modulations and such. The solo was good, and i think the song itself is overall strong, but i'd love to hear more overt source melody. Maybe there is some source I am missing, so i'd love to hear a breakdown, in the event i'm wrong, but i gotta call it like i hear it.

The sound balance is a little treble heavy in some cases, and the low mids seem to be missing out a bit. Otherwise, I think it's good.

So basically, rebalance it slightly, get a little bit more overt source in there, and i'd say ship it; i love the sound of this, and just a few minor tweaks will do it. :-)

No, please resubmit

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  • 2 weeks later...

haha, that source vid. was somewhat painful to watch. ;D anyway, the lead doing all the glissando's has got too much reverb, and your leads in general are a little hot on the upper mid/highs. I liked the little chiptune nuances and the drums, though the patterns got a little repetitive and that snare was definitely weaksauce.

there's not a lot to the source, but I could hear it in the bassline and supporting instrumentation. you've changed the key and it seems like some of the intervals as well in order to make it a little prettier (good changes :P), but all the melodies seem pretty liberal. I feel the production flaws make this a NO, but a source breakdown to clear up any misconceptions about the arrangement could be helpful, in case we're missing something here. :D


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