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*NO* Super Mario 64 'Bob-Omb Shuffle' *RESUB*


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Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: "Sir Jordanius"

Your real name: Jordan Etienne

Your email address: youcanfindsirjordanius@gmail.com

Your website: http://www.last.fm/music/sir+jordanius

Your userid (number, not name): 38652 (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=38652)

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: "Super Mario 64"

Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Bob-omb Battlefield"

Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): definitely already available

Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): definitely already available

Your own comments about the mix:

First of all, I know how DJP basically said to hold off with the Mario's and Final Fantasy Stuff but I didn't want to throw this away juuuust yet.

Second, what does M. Night Shyamalan's movies and my stand-up piano have in common? They're both badly beyond any repair. =(

With that being said, I only used a snippet of the honky-tonk in the beginning, I shortened the intro, and I re-recorded everything from the ground-up to get a little bit closer to the Parliament-Funk feeling that I was aiming for with the original. I wanted to add some Bootsy Collins exclamations but to avoid being way too cheesy I just used a few Mario samples; not too much to get annoying, though. I sampled responsibly =/

I hope this one's a bit more up to par than the other take. I will at least be pleased if I know that it made anybody bob[omb] their heads to this.



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I'm torn on this one. The arrangement is super fun to listen to for a lot of it, but it feels like there's some strange note choices for the bass and background instruments at times. It feels like it isn't quite fitting right, and it's pulling me out of the experience, as it were. That being said, I liked the subtle reference to the underground theme from SMB, and there were plenty of other really fun moments, like the original transition from the (still out of tune yet somehow more charming) piano to the E. Piano, and then into the arrangement itself full on.

Sounds are pretty good here, even though the brass, woodwinds, and strings are super-fake. They fit the soundscape, and didn't bother me much. There are times where the balance just isn't there. The bass sounds seem a tad loud, and are crowding into the soundscape a little more than they should. Drums also could use just a touch more presence in the louder sections, but they are fine elsewhere.

Gonna have to throw this back to you again.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am definitely feeling this overall, and is a good step in the right direction, by a huge margin. I do agree with Deia that the balance is a bit off, with the bass being a bit overpowering in a few areas.

Personally, I think shortening that vile piano in the beginning would be a good idea, but it does have a bit of charm to it. I just dread repeat listens with some of those chords always coming up. :/

I agree that some of the samples are pretty fake sounding, but the general feel of this is very strong and upbeat, with good energy, so they blend pretty well. I think adjust the sound balance a bit (and hopefully trim the intro more, just as a gift to me <3), and this will be ready for the front page. :-)

No, please resubmit

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  • 2 weeks later...

You really love your mario 64 sfx, don't you ;)

Really dig the funky atmosphere you've set up here. Like the others, I'm not a huge fan of the detuned piano at the beginning as it's kind've a non-sequitur with the rest of the track. Up to you, though, if you feel it's something you can't live without :).

My biggest beef was with instrument balance. The wah bass is too loud in comparison to other elements. It also seems to have some loud resonant freqs in the mids, which makes it stick out above everything else in the latter half of the track.

A few places also tended to get a bit crowded, though it's likely a function of instrument imbalance again. Take a look at 2:21, 3:39, & the brief section at 4:23.

Very close. Love the writing and creativity here. Nice expansion on the source for sure.

Sorry to send this back a second time, but some production tweaks should definitely push this over the bar.

No, resubmit please

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