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So, I'm looking into purchasing a new guitar. I took a look at some of the other requests for guitar suggestions that have previously shown up on here, but sadly the poster's budget was slightly higher than my own. I was wondering if I could get some advice. I've looked at the reviews, but quite honestly I'm more inclined to believe people on OCR than random reviewers.

Anyway, I'm thinking an Ibanez, since I've heard a lot of good things about them, but really have no clue about guitars. I mean, my current guitar is the Behringer iAxe 393... *cough* Yeah... :oops: Only reason I bought it was for the USB support... and it was on clearance. Before that was an Epiphone Special SG which ended up falling appart. Not the best guitar track record.

Some of the models I've looked at (online) and seemed to have good reviews are the RG321E, GRGA32T, GRGA32, and GSA60. But I'm really not sure, and I don't want to blow that kind of money only to find out its not as good as it says...

Budget: $300-$400 (USD) max (not a lot to work with, I know)

Use: Metal. Specifically power/prog metal.

Notes: I'm also intending to purchase the PodX3 to record with (since that is the sole purpose of a new guitar and which is partly why my budget is as low as it is).

Obviously I'm open to other brand suggestions, if you have them.

My thanks for any and all advice, and especially for your time.


I make primarily metal, and my Schecter C1+ with an EMG 81/85 set has served me well. My Tempest with the same pickups was even better till someone jacked it. They're built as well as guitars that cost over twice as much, and I've read more than once about how someone's SG or Les Paul started collecting dust 'cause they got a Schecter. That brand's all I play nowadays, so I can't really give an opinion on other brands. Nekofrog has experience with Ibanez, so he'd definitely be a better source of info if you plan on going that route. He's also enjoying a shiny new Carvin, another brand that's supposedly good for power metal.

$400 is really not a good budget to go by, but if you can find something with Duncan Design HB-102s, they have some good tone for offshoot cheapie pickups. They're no JB/'59 set, but they'll do for starters. If you find a really nicely built guitar with cheap pickups, you could always upgrade later. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, most guitarshops don't charge much for a pickup switch job.

The POD X3's a little pricey. If you go with a POD Studio, you'll end up spending about half as much as you would on an X3 and you can put that extra $200 towards a better guitar. And a budget jump from $400 to $600 can make a big difference there.

I'll throw in a couple of Schecter links to look over if you're thinking about grabbing one. This first is a hardtail with an EMG 81/85 set, and the second is an FR with a DD HB102b/101n set.

Schecter Hellraiser Special C-1


Schecter C-1 FR Standard


The POD X3's a little pricey. If you go with a POD Studio, you'll end up spending about half as much as you would on an X3 and you can put that extra $200 towards a better guitar. And a budget jump from $400 to $600 can make a big difference there.

Thanks, DusK. I took a look at the Pod Studio when I saw yer post. Definitely more what I'm looking for. I guess the X3 is for if you're wanting to play live as well or somethin'? I'd just seen a lot of guitarists going for the X3 in the past (on here as well as youtube and even Arjen Lucassen) and had never heard of the Studio.

I'll definitely keep the Schecters in mind as well. Certainly a nice lookin' guitar and based on your stuff on Youtube, a decent tone like you mentioned. Definitely test 'em next I'm in a Guitar Center. (Note to self: Next time friends are being indecisive, suggest Guitar Center...)


good luck

Only problem with that is I can't play it a bit first and get a feel for the guitar before buying. Or actually getting a chance to hear the guitar tone, y'know?


Its not totally imperative that I get the guitar now. I'd like to have something that doesn't have horrible innotation and stays in tune longer than 15 minutes, lol, but I can deal with it if the necissary funds to get a decent guitar are higher than what I currently posses.

If there is something in my price range thats good, that'd be awesome, but at least in the interm I'd have some idea of what guitars to try out.

But its been less than a day, so I'll wait and see what others have to say...

Only problem with that is I can't play it a bit first and get a feel for the guitar before buying. Or actually getting a chance to hear the guitar tone, y'know?


Its not totally imperative that I get the guitar now. I'd like to have something that doesn't have horrible innotation and stays in tune longer than 15 minutes, lol, but I can deal with it if the necissary funds to get a decent guitar are higher than what I currently posses.

If there is something in my price range thats good, that'd be awesome, but at least in the interm I'd have some idea of what guitars to try out.

But its been less than a day, so I'll wait and see what others have to say...

thats a good point but what i ment is go to a guitar store, find a guitar that feels good, even if a bit expencive and see if you can find one on ebay that beats that price and obcourse is great condition.

thats a good point but what i ment is go to a guitar store, find a guitar that feels good, even if a bit expencive and see if you can find one on ebay that beats that price and obcourse is great condition.

Guitar models are like processors, they're never exactly the same when manufactured. Only difference is, they actually make the distinctions when they sell the processors (their Ghz rating is because of each one being able to handle more or less than the other, if I read prophetik's how to computer book correctly). That's why I was taught that when you play a guitar and like it, it's safe to go with the exact same one that you played and not just the same model. That could be a bit over-specific, but that's what I was told.

thats a good point but what i ment is go to a guitar store, find a guitar that feels good, even if a bit expencive and see if you can find one on ebay that beats that price and obcourse is great condition.

Okay, yeah, I see what yer saying. Hadn't thought of that.

Although, I guess if what neblix and Nekofrog have said are true then my best option would be a used guitar from a guitar shop?

For my serious responses to this question, see the other 18 "what guitar should I get?" threads.

Adding a username to the query should narrow down the results. I'll take a look.


In general, I always tell people who are just started out or are still in the beginning stages...don't buy a guitar with a tremolo. Other than that, pick out something that is affordable but don't pick up the cheapest thing you see. Generally, it's good to start by spending anywhere from $200-$400. Look at the big name brands like Fender, Epiphone, Schecter and Ibanez. They'll all have something decent in that price range.

As far as used instruments go, I generally tell people not to go this route unless you know exactly what you're looking for. The reason for this is that you're not going to get screwed if you find something is wrong with it in the first couple weeks of owning it. If you buy something new from someplace like Guitar Center or any other big store, you can just return or exchange it. It's really easy to get burned on used instruments but you can get some really great deals by looking at Craigslist.


i'm a fender guy but schecters are beautiful guitars for those who want something more specialized. unfortunately the decent ones aren't within your price range. a lot of these entry level guitars boast similar specs to the point where a beginner wouldn't really be able to tell the difference, but they will set the stage for your preferences later on. on that note, you really can't go wrong with fender, schecter, carvin, and ibanez. you should also drop the pod and get a saffire instead


I'd lean towards Ibanez more than Schecters, I feel they're more versatile with the sound you can get from them. That said, I don't actually own a Schecter, I've just played them in the music store.

You mentioned prog rock/metal. If it's anything to consider, John Petrucci used Ibanez guitars for a long time before switching to Music Man.

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