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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Desert Thieves Prelude'


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I like the intro, Very Mendelssohn. Although I'd say the verse is a little too straightforward, and then it loses steam at a kind of bad time. I'd say the overall composition is a bit anti-climactic. On the technical end, there's a bit of buildup in the low mids, but it's not too bad.


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I had to listen to this one a lot, and not because of any technical issues. This is a pretty standard arrangement of Gerudo for piano, and there are plenty of nice points to it. What's holding this back, I think, is that it's hard to make this unique on piano when it's been done so many times. The playing is nice, and the arrangement is nice, but there's nothing here that's really wowing me, to be blunt and honest. Jesse makes some good points, and I agree that it's not a piece that has a huge build-up, although I don't think it needs to.

Negatives aside, when I listen to this piece I am enjoying it, and I think that while not breaking new ground, it achieves what it sets out to do. It takes the source and there is personalization and expansion, the playing is fluid and emotional, and it's enjoyable.

YES (borderline)

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This one is pretty close to me, on one hand, i love the intro and variation, but on the other, I don't feel like the track took any real risks, and as such, it feels like a simplified version of the original, without much expansion. I love the performance, but it's not personalized enough beyond the intro and genre conversion.

No, please resubmit

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Hrm, I think there is more to this then some of the others have suggested. There is a fair amount of interesting rhythmic alterations. I agree with Vig that there is a bit of a lack of overall dynamic contour. Not a whole lot of direction or sense of build. This has been done quite a lot more succesfully before I think.

Think I'm leaning on the NO side as well I'm afraid. Try and keep some kind of momentum going in your arrangements, it will keep them more interesting and give them more direction.


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