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Duck It! Free HTML5 browser game made in 45 hrs (2D pseudorandom platformer)

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Play it for free here! (Firefox recommended): http://www.spacewhalestudios.com/duckit

Duck It! was our (Space Whale Studios') entry into the 2011 Philly GameJam (hosted by TooManyGames and our local IGDA chapter.) Being that it was around Mother's Day, the theme was "Mothers." Obviously, we decided to make a game where you're a mother duck running through a creepy black-and-white world and the goal is to make it to your young and vomit pixels on them. It's inspired by games like Canabalt with some action and physics elements thrown in for good measure, not to mention everything is pseudorandomly generated for infinite ducking action! (Complete with "duckstep" intro music and KMFDM ripoff level music)


The game was developed using HTML5 and the Impact engine in 45 hours total. Our team consisted of two artists, two programmers and one musician/sound designer (me!) We managed to win the WTF? award for our efforts. Proof:


We'd like to keep developing the game further, so feel free to give us your feedback. Enjoy!



Thanks again for the kind words. We're going to be making quite a few updates to the game soon, some of which are already done on our dev server. eg:

* Scoring system (makes it 3x as fun)

* Better movement mechanics

* Breakable walls

* Better enemy pathing

* Powerups


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