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Super Metroid - Brinstar, Red Soil Area


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Game: Super Metroid (SNES)

Song: Brinstar, Red Soil Area

Composer: Kenji Yamamoto


Hi, all!

Here's a bit of information on the track, taken from my SoundCloud page:

I admit, this isn't a recent remix...I did it quite a whiles back. However, I felt it was lacking something, so here it is again, pulled from a supposed "finished state", back into "WIP world". :] I plan on adding more melodies the second time the song comes about. New bits in this version currently include a new Piano, new Voices and better equalization.

So with that, I ask for feedback, comments, criticism...anything! Just, be gentle with me. I'm no FL Studio god, and I've yet SO much to learn in regards of producing music with a computer. Anyway, enjoy!...I think!

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Bass drum is too loud and has too much reverb, the backing 6-note thing seems muffled, choir is too loud, lead is too soft.

Put some thought into the placement of the track, specifically how loud and how prominent they should be. Right now the piano is upfront, which is good, followed by drums, choir, and then the other instruments. Those other instruments include your leads, and I don't think they're supposed to be in the background. You can make them more prominent with volume, eq, and possibly some mild distortion to increase the amount of higher frequencies present in the sound. Be really careful not to overdo it, tho.

When the piano comes in, the rhythm is caught between the rhythm that's you've had before then and the one the piano has. The choir especially throws me off at that point. Consider rewriting the drums and either rewriting or dropping the choir for that part.

Arrangement consists of two blocks of pretty much the same, broken up by the inclusion of the piano and the subsequent breakdown. Would be cool if they were different from each other. You can screw with the chords, the rhythms, the instrumentation, whatever. You've got some cool drum sounds here, but the drum writing could change as the track progresses. Make it build up to a high point near the end of it. It doesn't have to be a big dramatic thing, just a little more than before.

More variation, better placement and mixing, some dynamics to the overall progression, and you'll have a pretty cool track here. Lots of potential, nice take on the source. Hope this helps.

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Hey, thanks a lot! All of that helps a ton. You're pointing out several things that I had overlooked, especially the "track placement".

I did consider changing it up a bit the second time the song comes around. Definitely gonna elaborate on the piano. :)

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