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OCR02456 - *YES* Final Fantasy 'Just Passing Through'


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PROJECT HOLD: Final Fantasy - Random Encounter

remixer name: Benjamin Briggs

game: Final Fantasy I

song: Town


Thanks to the ever source-deaf Palpable for helping me decide if this one was ready for the submissions queue. Brandon Strader pestered me into doing this remix. The title is kind of a joke about how I thought I had a kidney stone. Remember, kids: if you don't drink enough water, you'll have to pass a Spiny through your pee-pee hole.


I was wondering if maybe I could get my Final Fantasy remix "Just Passing Through" UN-DP'ed? I'd really like to see what you guys have to say about my song that is in desperate need of actual critique. figured since the project isn't coming out for a while, it wouldn't be too unreasonable a request to have you guys judge it instead of it being DP'ed. I just would really like to hear the opinions and suggestions :D
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+1 best friend vote. conflict of interest? I think not. :P

I don't have any problem hearing the source throughout this, but the arrangement is, I dunno... repetitive? compared to your usual, this one just feels a little phoned in. there's not a lot of sonic variety throughout the track, so the chiptune bit at the end was a welcome change, but the fadeout ending was weak. (yes, I'M calling YOUR fadeout ending weak. :D)

production-wise, well, it sounds good on laptop speakers. :D

okay, it's solid. nice and thumping. the sounds and textures aren't the most creative, and your main chiptune lead underwhelms, but I dig the percussion and background elements. again, it gets by, but it doesn't have the clarity and balance of your usual mix.

I know this vote reads as me comparing everything to 'your usual', but that's just because this isn't as good. :lol:

it's aight tho.


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I'm not quite sure this is in desperate need of critique in any way. You have an excellent soundscape, with instruments/synths that all compliment each other well. Balance is good, and mixing as well. Arrangement-wise, you've got plenty of source, and I like how it hints at the source before coming in fully at 1:28. The second half feels a little repetitious, mostly because the soundscape doesnt change up and the arrangement is similar, but that's being nitpicky. Fun listen.


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