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*NO* Mega Man 2 'Air Man's Piano Bar'


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Jayson Litrio



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Mega Man 2 (NES)

My arrangement: "Airman's Piano Bar"

Original song: Airman's Theme


Hey guys! It has been WAY too long since I've submitted an arrangement.. and I'm mad at myself! My resolution is to submit way more often, and find the time, in between writing originals, to be a bigger part of this amazing place. I've watched it grow since the start, and I couldn't have done it better -- you guys produced such an amazing website and community -- and there's no reason to submit any where else on the planet.

A few hours ago, I got another random email about "Dr. Wily's Wedding", and I just can't believe I still get messages about it all these years later.. I thought I'd 'give back' to all who have shared their stories with me, and had such kind words, by trying another Mega Man 2 arrangement in a similar style. So I sat right down to take a break from what I was working on, and this is what I came up with. Much more "abstract" this time around.. I'm not even sure if I like it myself yet.. LOL. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to sending in an upbeat arrangement next time, for a different game title. :)

- Jayson


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Ah Jayson Litrio. Wily's Wedding is one of the best piano mixes on the site.

Not going to linger on the piano sound; it's fine, though it sounds a bit boxy in the lower octaves, like you've got the lid simulation on.

Honestly, I think this is pretty tight, but the arrangement is really straightforward and doesn't bring much to the table. The string supplementation is used tastefully, but there's just not enough elaboration in the arrangement here.

I'm a fan of yours, but have to pass on this one.


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I'm cool on the arrangement, though I think you could trim out some of the repetition of the main melody. the string section was a great touch, but the long attack and heavy reverb didn't feel natural, and the writing could have deviated a little more from the piano writing

with solid performance and sound quality (aside from the string sample), I'd say this is over the bar. might not be the most interpretive arrangement of all time, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker.


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There is a lot of nice rubato and the performance is good, but I agree that the string sample isn't cutting it, and overall I feel it's too close to the original. I do think Opening up the lower end of the piano sound would be nice, but the real issue here is the arrangement being too conservative. I really like the piece, but I think a little more interpretation needs to happen. :-)

No, please resubmit

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I wasn't that crazy about the piano sound, something seemed keyboard-ish about it. However, the reverb settings were good so that helped the realism. The string sample was pretty out-of-place, and there was one random chime sweep that threw me off too. Arrangement-wise I liked this more than most of the other judges, but it was a little underwhelming. The combination ultimately makes this a NO for me, sorry.

NO (resubmit)

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