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OCR02637 - *YES* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Thrill of the Chase'

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Your ReMixer name: Flexstyle

Your real name: Michael Birch

Your website: flexstylemusic.com

Your userid: 22246

Game ReMixed: Donkey Kong Country 3 (Super Nintendo version) - Hot Pursuit

Title of ReMix: Thrill of the Chase

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLZgH7CLs4M


This actually ended up being the first of a few tracks I did for the DKC3 project--Emunator, the project director, had heard my previously-posted Dark Cloud 2 remix and thought I'd be a good fit for this track. Little did we know that I'd eventually be a rather prominent remixer on the project (what with the amount of tracks I grabbed) in addition to becoming a very involved mastering engineer for the entire thing. By the time this gets posted (assuming, of course, that it ever does), you, dear OCRemix fiend, should have heard the wonderful wonderful project that is the Donkey Kong Country 3 project. If you haven't, you need to do that RIGHT NOW.

Rabbit trails aside, this is a rather intelligent (for lack of a better word, hurr derp) EDM track with cool blips and bleeps and glitches 'n stuff. It's cool, it's bassy, and you should totally turn it up.






pretty expansive take on a somewhat minimalist tune, and you've adapted it well. I like that you kept the stuttering from the original more or less in-tact. cool stuff.

this one doesn't feel quite as polished as some of your other recent subs, but still, real solid work. I think a shorter, punchier kick would of worked better here, but that's a huge nitpick. ;) the hand percussion was a nice touch.

keep up the good work, Mike. your remixes are always a joy to listen to. :)



not really sure about the title, there doesn't seem to be a ton of thrill or a feeling of a chase. That being said, this is really solid mid-tempo atmospheric electronica with some more organic sounding flourishes sprinkled throughout. There are a lot of intelligent and interesting things happening, and though the intensity stays pretty similar for the duration, the song is comfortable as either an active listening piece, with subtle shades of variation, or some nice back ground trancey stuff. I do think a wider dynamic range could have helped it a bit, but overall was feeling this one.



I definitely agree that you took a not terribly inspiring source and really moved it in a good direction, keeping a lot of the core elements in tact and functional. I'm not exactly feeling thrilled (as Andrew mentioned), so I'm not sure about the title choice, but I am enjoying listening to this. I think you could have done something to change up your soundscape towards the end to bring back the listener's focus, but that is mostly opinion.


  • 2 months later...

Loved the side-chained crunchy synth you used. Great job kicking up a pretty boring source up a few notches.

Overall, production comes through loud and clear. I agree that the kick is a bit on the subby side, but it still works. Good balancing between parts as well. Great attention to detail in subtle alterations and effects thrown in to keep things interesting. Felt like the ending could've been a little more effective, but no big deal there.

I was having trouble getting some of your source usage at first, but then I realized the high synth at :21 is a slowed down version of a subtle part in the original that plays briefly at 1:20. Very creative use of it there so you're not just stuck with only the backing gated part to link in.

Really fun listen here man, great work. I'm gonna be keeping this one on the playlist.


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