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*NO* Wild Arms 'Harmonious Apparitions'


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Your ReMixer name: Artem Bank

Your real name: Artem Bank

Your email address: redshojin@gmail.com

Your website: http://www.cagedrabbit.com

Your userid: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=25987

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged: Wild Arms

Name of arrangement: Harmonious Apparitions

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Way of Illusion

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. :

I joined onto the project wanting a song to remix, and having never played the game, really didn't know much about it. Way of Illusion was one of the few tracks left open, and I just kind of jumped on it. It's a really weird source, to say the least. But I eventually thought of a way to do it, and that's that really. I think I only picked it because I managed to find a progression on my guitar that went with it. Yes, the dissonance in parts is intentional.


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Eep, i'm not sure the dissonance, intended or not is a really good idea; The track never feels like it really gels together (though part of that would be because the melody feels buried underneath other elements), but some specific sections sound like 2, or even 3 different songs all being played at once.

There are some nice points, the acoustic guitar and the percussion, specifically, but overall this isn't getting it done. I recommend adjusting the balance, and tweaking the guitar chords to fit in the context of the rest of the song.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Gotta join the 'not a fan of the dissonance' club here; I don't think it's working the way you're intending to, and just isn't sounding right here. Andrew also almost took the words out of my mouth; things just don't feel like they're gelling together overall. Part of it is the balance, and I think part of it is the fake strings sounding that much more fake next to the acoustic playing.

Fixing up your chords, hitting up the balance, and maybe tweaking the strings to get a little more realism is my prescription here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Odd source for sure. Here goes.

Well, gonna have to concur with DOA. It didn't sound like purposeful dissonance so much as incorrect notes/chords. It wasn't that way for the whole song, but certain parts definitely stuck out. :40 - 1:01, for example, sounds especially egregious with the various conflicting parts. The section following it actually sounded a lot more cohesive to me.

Drums were also very repetative. Snare stays on 2 and 4, cymbal hits every measure; virtually no change in patterns for the length of the song. You'll definitely want to get more interesting writing here, especially as it's meant to be an acoustic kit. Drum samples sounded pretty good for the most part, except the cymbal, which sounds dry and sticks out over everything.

String lead sounded very fakey for how exposed it was - almost to the point where it sounds like it's trying to be a synth.

Now, I do understand the original does feature dissonance as well, but it never feels like different songs or progressioned on top of each other. No need to get discouraged on this, though, as you've got the foundation here. Acoustic was treated and played well, drums will be nice with some variation and cymbal help. Work on those and the arrangement issues and this should be in really good shape.

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