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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Requiem for the Orchestral Mix'


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I am frumpiemonkey,

my remix is for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time and the track I remixed was "Requiem of Spirit". My track is titled "Requiem for the Orchestral Remix".

I remember being a kid and playing Ocarina of Time and every time you had to play this song I hated it, it was slow and boring and took to long to finally warp you somewhere, now that I'm older and I was looking for a track to remix I stumbled across the midi file for this and instead of boredom I saw a real opportunity, a lot of peril could be added to this song to make it sound more like an action track or a trailer cue. So I set to work, my computer is really limited on power and mixing gets tough when you have to bounce everything to .WAV so I shot for simplicity and cut out a lot of ostinatos and scales and rips for an effect that I really enjoy, the Melody and counter melody get to shine out clearly (not always the case in trailer style music) and the contrast between parts is really nice. Rather than having a bunch of really cool FX in a bad mix I chose a relatively simple mix with clear parts because it is more true to the source material and easier for the piece to evoke an emotional response from the listener.

The first 20 seconds are an orchestalized homage to the original theme with some nice viola and cello harmonies that give the section that feeling you got as a kid actually playing the game, from 20 seconds on till 37 seconds there is a tempo change and this becomes the build section where a lot of tension is added with some staccato patches and (tell me if you can spot it) a quote to the movie score from Speed. Then we get into the climax, brass and drums, until 55 seconds where we go into a winding down with the strings playing a new melody over the percussion section and then at 1:12 we finally get to the last section where the violin sections are playing counterpoint with each other.

This track was created in FL studio 10, and the kontakt libraries I use are customized secrets. Please listen to this with good speakers or good headphones, speakers that &^$%ing suck really make the high ends awful.


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I will agree with Andrew here. The source is short, but I think there's a lot more you can do with it based on what I'm hearing here already. Along with that, the samples aren't the best, but I think you can also pull a little more humanization and life out of them. Nice that you're approaching a not-oft-seen source, though!

NO (resubmit)

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seemed a little heavy on the low end, causing a lot of the higher brass and string melodies to sound buried. I didn't think the arrangement was repetitive (I actually thought you got pretty decent mileage out of such a limiting source), but the climax seemed to happen pretty early on, and the second half just kinda lost steam imo. if the production and EQ were a little cleaner, I'd be more comfortable with this.


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Halc asked me to add a few thoughts here before it's moved:

There's quite a bit of reverb here making the lows pretty muddy - might be a high decay setting on your verb causing this. Be careful with how you use reverb on orchestral percussion; right now the reverb from it is bleeding over everything else. I actually wouldn't even use the same reverb settings for the percussion as the rest. At the very least, use something with a shorter decay time and less wetness.

Samples sound pretty nice. They notes sound a bit on the static side for velocity. I'm not sure what you're using, but you should at the very least be able to automate the volume of each sample so you can get some (de)/crescendos, note emphasis, etc. beyond just note-by-note velocity changes.

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