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OCR02494 - *YES* Final Fantasy 'The Last Story'


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Title: The Last Story

Game: Final Fantasy

Song: Ending

Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Remixer: Knight_of_the_Round, Brandon Strader

Real name: Justin Taylor


Justin: This "Ending" theme remix was a very last minute thing for me. Brandon asked if I

could crank it out in a week, so the next day I sat down and wrote the original arrangement

in about 5 hours. After a few adjustments, and the addition of vocals (which I was against

at first, but I'm glad I gave in to Brandon's request!), "Ending" theme was done. This

song was a little easier to remix, given the fact that the source for this track is 0:54

seconds, and split into 3 parts.

Brandon: Yeah, yeah... I did some gratuitous metal vocals. I'm sorry, everyone. They sound

pretty awesome though, I think. The lyrics are, again, written somewhat jokingly. The

heroes save the world, and then cursed by evil power from deep within the land, go on a

brain-eating zombie rampage. And because they're like level 70 at the time, nobody can

withstand their brutal onslaught.

I asked Justin if we could name this The Last Story in tribute to Mistwalker's new game, which recently sold out in Japan.

I've heard it's like the start of Final Fantasy all over again under a new name. If that's the case, it is only fitting that

we should pay tribute to that as well with this title. A huge thanks to Justin for making this song and letting me put my

metal vocals on it, which will easily turn many OCR listeners away! They're my strongest metal vocal performance to date.


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Wow. I mean..the execution is good, but do you know how weird it sounds to have deathmetal vocals bellowing over a happy cheerful tune? It's like being sent to hell and finding that Satan is wearing Groucho glasses; you realize you should probably be taking this situation seriously, but you can't stop chuckling.

I can't vote on this yet..I just...my system can't process this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the vocals were fine, as screamed death metal vocals are impossible to take seriously even when the music is brooding and brutal. I would prefer this without vocals, but whatever. Deathklok is one of the best selling deathmetal bands in the US by a pretty wide margin, and their whole deal is hilarious songs that are really well performed, which isn't too far off from this.

I do think some of the lyrics are hard to discern, but it's death metal, what do you expect?

Enough source, decent production, etc. I'm cool with this.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally, I have no idea what's being said, so it's all kinda background music to me. It would be easier if I had the lyrics in front of me, but I will do without them in general. Overall I'm not wowed by this, but there's plenty of source there, the interpretation is there, and production is over the bar. Not my favorite, but I think there will be people who will enjoy it.


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  • 2 months later...

While I still wasn't really a huge fan of the style, the overall result made a lot more sense to me than your "Power of Cornelia" track that I just voted on. Your rhythm guitars do their brutal thing when the melody is appropriate for the style, but you opted for more simple chord work when the melody played more prominently, which I think was an excellent choice. The vocals feel tongue in-cheek but they're well-performed and well mixed. Overall, the way you approached the instrumentation here made a lot more sense, so props to you. The ending was kind of a wtf moment but it was so calming and relaxing that I actually appreciated the contrast it provided.

I'm cool with this.


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