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I just got through this game, so what better time to give this a proper review. Let's give this a whirl...

The sound quality is pretty good if this is your first time mixing and arranging music - your friend Anterrior must be a pretty good teacher. The actual mixing is a bit random, though. The purpose of mixing is to place the important elements in the front while the textures and such lay further in the background. The feeling I get from this is that some of the important elements are being thrown behind the textures a bit too often. The melody is presented well at 1:03, so you should probably try to get the other melodic elements to match those relative levels more consistently.

The actual arrangement sounds pretty close to the original, save for some of the neat effects you placed throughout it. The minor harmonies you mesh with the original melody, though, don't mesh well. Either be prepared to adjust the melody so it matches the minor harmony you sometimes have in place or have the harmony match the key that the melody is in. The clash is jarring sometimes.

Glad to see that Bowser's Inside Story is getting some love in here. Keep at it.


Thank you very much Gario! I will see about tweaking some of my harmonies and levels. Sorry about the jarring... :-? I appreciate the review!

Oh... this isn't my first remix, but I am pretty new to this (4 months). This is definitely my best remix so far, and I'm working very hard to improve every day, learning all the tricks and skills. Anterroir gave me lots of good feedback and advice, especially in the area of eq.

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