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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Valley of the Fallen Meteor (OCR Edit)' *FT*

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I made a submission about 3 weeks ago ('Valley of the Fallen Meteor'), but the link I sent is now broken, my song was deleted. I have a new one here now, so yesterday I sent an email to submissions@ocremix.org mentioning my problem, but I never got a confirmation email. I was just wondering if you guys ever got it, and if not what should I do? (email it again, or?)

Remix name: Valley of the Fallen Meteor (OCR Edit)

Remixer Name: LuIzA TSM

URL: http://www.download.com/luizatsm

Forum id: 10041

Game: Final Fantasy VII

Song: Valley of the Fallen Star

my very first remix, the 8th version of it, the original idea was born in july 2003 and started production in october 2003. It features live guitars and bass, all played by myself and drums and percussion sequenced by yours truly. I know there are some glitches, but I decided to leave it like that, in order to keep the naturality in the lead guitars.

thanks for the attention.



http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 301 "Cosmo Canyon"

Pretty conservative take on the first listen, but there's more to be appreciated later on. The drumkit here sounded pretty thin & weak overall, and the bass guitar wasn't much of a factor either it felt. The first 1:16 was basically just a cover with some minor additions via the supporting instrumentation.

1:30-2:49 finally brought about some tinkering on the rearrangement side, though I still feel as if the mix could have been more interpretive and exploratory. It was mostly just minor rhythmic alterations in the performance, but that was it. I heard a few light audio deformations as well (e.g. 1:29, 1:34).

The performance wasn't bad at all, but it was basically a few stylizied run-throughs of the theme without enough in the way of putting a unique spin on it beyond simply adapting it to the genre. The last section starting from 2:50-3:34/end was good, but probably would have served better in the middle as a way to split the first and second sections to provide a more marked contrast within the piece. Impractical as a suggestion, I know, so I'd say do what you can to get more interpretive for the first 1:16 to compensate instead.

The production needed a bit of work also. Nothing I'd call bad, but this track was all mid-range, with nothing much going on with the lower or higher frequency ranges, making the sounds a bit distant and obscured to me.

In any case, cool ideas and a very nice genre adaptation, but the arrangement didn't take much creative liberty or risk in interpreting things. You could have also made up for it by really expanding the instrumentation by writing new parts for several others instruments, yet keeping the melody intact.

Not sure if you'd wanna resubmit this considering you've worked on it for so long and it might require an overhaul of sorts, but in any case, I certainly think you've got the potential to get something passed down the line provided the arrangement & production are where they need to be. Look forward to hearing more from you, Luiza.



I dont think it would take too much to make this passable.

The bigger problems are that the EQ is very mid-heavy. make it beefier at both ends. the other problem as larry stated, it could use a bit more going on at points. rather than just playing through it a few times, build it up more, like at 1;52, that rocks. do things like that more often, and perhaps throw on some other instruments and layers to contribute to the beef.




Beef up the drums (and spruce up the sequencing), eq up the highs and lows, and perhaps play around with the original theme more (this isn't a cover, but I'd still really like to see more interpretation), and this would be an easy pass, I think.

Just needs a bit more work.


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