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OCR02505 - *YES* Metroid Prime 3 'Melting Sun'


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⦁ Pyro Paper Planes

⦁ Christopher Foss


⦁ 25144

⦁ Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

⦁ Melting Sun

⦁ Samus vs. Rundas

⦁ Composed by Kenji Yamamoto



One aspect I enjoy about a remix is how it can not only stir old

memories but also how it can put them under a new light. When I was

invited to contribute to the "Harmony of a Hunter" project, one of my

goals was to produce a song that completely contrasted the style of

the original song. I decided to choose one of the more recent popular

tracks in the series, Samus vs. Rundas.

To write such a contrasting piece, I decided to go with something I'd

never done before: a piano solo. I'd always wanted to release a piano

solo, but I was never too sure how to go about it. I would always put

it off for a later date. With the newly set deadline of the 25th

Anniversary and "Harmony of a Hunter", I sat down and began to work.

I went through several iterations for the introduction. One version

even sounded very similar to JigginJonT's "The Flooded Plain", a piece

that was very influential to me. I ended up restructuring the first

three chords of the original theme. At the beginning, I had included

the second phrase of the battle in the arrangement. I could never

quite get it to fit with the rest of the song. It just didn't work

with the emotions of the rest of the song. I ended up with this little

improvised part that I loved so much, that I decided to replace it in

the final song.

And there you have it. I present a song that's dedicated to the memory

of Rundas. Enjoy.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Excellent dynamics, this is really a case where the emotional impact of having a wide range of velocities is enhanced. The arrangement is nice, and really brings the intensity down to make room for the emotion. The use of rubato was good, and the alterations felt nice to me, though due to the more minimalist sections, I didn't quite catch the source everywhere. THe improv section fit well though, and overall I really enjoyed this one.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've gotta say, I was not expecting a delicate piano remix to come from that source. It was a pleasant surprise, and I think there's a ton of good things you've done here. The expression in the piano is really good, and it really convey's a feeling of sadness or regret, or a remembrance of someone. I will agree that there are times when things are a little light on source, but I think as a whole it is presented well, and this was a great listen.


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