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Email sub file A promise that echoed beyond time.mp3

Remix name : "A promise that echoed beyond time".

ReMixer name : Prometheus.

E-mail address : yesterdaygeneration1750@hotmail.com.

Name of game(s) ReMixed : "Radical Dreamers".

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed :" Far Promise", "SnakeBone Mansion".

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

- 100% Orchestral BreakBeats.

- No loops, everything has been written by me.

Hope you all like it! ;-)


http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/rd.rsn - "Far Promise ~ Dream Shore (1)" (rd-08.spc) & "Snakebone Mansion" (rd-06.spc)

Pretty sloppily done at times. Basically the source tune with original breakbeats pasted underneath, though "Snakebone Mansion" had more substantial arrangement. The beats had no power/processing behind them, leaving them very flat. The sustained string from 1:10-1:23 didn't sound right vis-a-vis the other sounds. The orchestral string runs were pretty basic in their support and didn't add much depth to the piece. The cymbal-shot-into-higher-key transition at 2:27 was very uncreative leading towards the finish. Nothing particularly creative or engaging with the arrangement.



First of all, good that you're doing your own drum and perc work and not relying on loops. But what's here is still a bit redundant, I would consider mixing those up more, processing them more. They do indeed sound very flat.

Compositionally I thought this was way too bare for the first half. This needs a lot more elements to create a more interesting listen. In this context the simplicity doesn't really work too well. The result is plodding and a bit lacking. I did enjoy nearing the end parts from 2:15 onward, but by then it was too little too late. Arrangement wise it was pretty par for the course. Consider expanding and playing with the source material more. Change up the structure or expand the melody or harmony more.

Slightly unsatisfying ending as well. Keep working at it. NO

  • 2 weeks later...

The intro bell sounds really thin and sort of creepy. If that’s the vibe you were going for then capital work old bean but I would have preferred a much more full sound there. Nevertheless I think that the short strings and breakbeats that come in at 0:13 are sweet. They still feel like an intro however and thus there is too little build up before we are launched into a thematic chorus section at 0:27. The result is a mix that feels underdeveloped from that point onwards. In addition, the beats are cool but that lack some amount of captivating energy, especially given the amount of repetition that they undergo. The drum switch-ups at 1:24 and 2:27 breathe some life into the percussion track not only because they are different from the rest of the mix but also because they’ve got some funky processing laid on them. Try to keep that in mind with the rest of the track as well. I didn’t particularly like the beats as they were used at 2:11. Although this is more of a personal preference issue, I feel that their choppy breaks didn’t mesh well with the flowing sustained strings and light chromatic percussion.

The arrangement started off great with the really cool bass groove that threatened to take the themes in cool new directions. To some extent we get that but for the most part the good ole Dream Shore theme is conservatively recreated with the same instrument as in the source and then played over the supporting groove. That can work if you have really strong, engaging supporting elements but as has been mentioned the mix is relatively simplistic.

Really fun to listen to though. Work on thickening up and varying the percussion as well as introducing more expansive interpretation of the source material. Have fun with it.



Out of curiosity, why doesn't anyone ever pick any of the other tracks from RD to remix? "Dream shore" seems to be the only thing anyone ever chooses to do. There's plenty of other good music on the soundtrack, c'mon! Anyway. On to the mix itself.

I'm not really impressed with the sounds or the arrangement here. Really basic, dry drums under what's almost a cover of the original(s). Even the instrumentation is preserved (the bells). Be a little more adventurous, here. I like that you tried to vary up the drums and use processing, but the sounds themselves aren't all that great. Try to use effects like compression, reverb, and delay to liven up stuff; also, hit the Remixing forum and scout around there to look for more ways to beef up your sounds. The whole mix is also a little muddy and quiet. Try to adjust the volume levels and use compression/limiting to bring everything up to comfortable levels without getting too loud. Then, you can use equalizers and other effects to separate the elements more so that they don't mush together so much.

As for arrangement, just DO MORE! It's short, uninteresting, and adds almost nothing to the originals. What you need to do is make the ReMix your own creation. Add more original sections, play with the melody and harmony, change the progression or build off the progression, vary the rhythm or the notes, and so on and so forth.


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