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*NO* Mega Man 9 & Mega Man 7 'Excalibur'


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Brandon Strader



Game: Mega Man 9 / Mega Man 7

Title: Excalibur

Sources: Splash Woman (MM9) Spring Man (MM7)

Composer: Ippo Yamda for MM9, Yuko Takehara, Toshihiko, and Makoto Tomozawa for MM7

System: NES

Splash Woman:

Spring Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RyXHR1OJ9g

Hi. So I made this remix for round 2 of the GRMRB and I really loved it, listened to it a lot. Meant to sub it but forgot about it. A few days ago I decided to clean it up a bit and adjust some levels. There's not a lot to say really, I was prepared to make at least a couple more Splash Woman mixes -- sad that I didn't get the chance to in the grmrb. Might do it on my own someday. Totally LOVE this style, it's a bit like String Chamellotron -- there's mellotrons that help give it this snazzy aged feel. Almost like something you'd hear in the 80s. Not that I'd know, I was a baby.

Sorry my notes are so short this time, but Mega Man has a distinct lack of Argonians.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The overall playing wasn't super tight, but overall was decent enough. You really need to work on playing tighter. The soundscape was good, though the bass mids were a bit high, and overall production was clean and working.

The arrangement was fine, but the transition between the themes was nonexistent, and the ending was cheap and abrupt. :/

I'd add a transition with a drum fill or something, and actually write out an ending that is nicely composed instead of a simple stop.

It's close, but just needs that last step.

No, please resubmit

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wasn't really bothered by the tightness or looseness of the playing, but I have some arrangement issues that I think are pulling this down. Aside from the transition between the two songs, which are completely separate from one another, Spring Man feels like a tacked on cover with a couple embellishments here and there. I'd say as a whole the two sources aren't exactly good fits for one another, and I wouldn't be sad if Spring Man was pulled entirely.

Soundwise, I'm still going to say I don't feel like the mellotrons are really a good choice for a lead instrument. Aside from me not being a fan of the sound overall, I think it is being overpowered by the bass and guitar when it doubles it. On the good side, I think the drum writing works very well for the track, and you did a good job there.

Fix it up.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 1 month later...

Gah, I typed up a whole vote and my browser timed out >__<

I'll lightning round this - I agree that the performances are often sloppy, and overall it feels like this track is just chugging away a little bit too slowly, especially during the sections with the acoustic guitar lead. This isn't a dealbreaker at all, but personally I feel like it would sound so much better with a 2-4 BPM tempo increase.

Also, the mellotron strings in the intro had really boring articulation/writing, something more dynamic would definitely catch my attention more.

This needs another coat of polish on the performances and the mellotrons, as well as the transition/ending, since you can tell this was a bit rushed for the compo and could have used a lot more TLC before submission. It's definitely not a lost cause but I feel like there's a fair bit that needs to be fixed before this can be posted.


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