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Hey there Mr.David. 'Tis I, the SnappleMan, and I have yet another submission for you!

My apologies for not being able to send you a pre-tagged version, but my webspace is not really dependable right now.

Anyway, this is a collaboration between me and a fellow called Rubbler. I handled all the arranging, lead guitar, and drumming. He did the rhythm guitar and bass guitar.

I intended my next submission to be OCR exclusive, but I'm quite proud of the great job we did on this one, and I wanna get it out there to people from OCR who haven't heard it.

Thanks for your time snackfood guy.


  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.zophar.net/nsf/shatterh.zip - Track 4

Shatterhand has a badass soundtrack; check out Track 2 of the NSF as well, for example. A lot of the early 90s Nintendo game soundtracks did a great job of pushing the NES's sound capabilities to their limits. Stuff like the Shatterhand, Treasure Master, and Megaman VI soundtracks had lots of delay and harmonization present resulting in much denser-sounding material.

Played this mix while highlighting the top entires for the Dwelling of Duels March Free Month on VGF56. This one got retooled a little bit along with an assist in the intro from OCR old-schooler Majin GeoDooD. The transition away from the intro had an abrupt key change, but didn't bother me much.

I first heard the source tune when Homie subbed his own take on the track about half a year ago. Wish that guy would resurface; he got banned from VGMix for some reason, but I liked his stuff. Anyway, this track excelled where Homie's failed in that there was a lot more expansion and personal flair (2:00-2:38) present in this arrangement along with some nice rearranged sections (1:42-1:59, 2:39-3:09).

Fairly straightforward coverage, but great shit from Rubbler adding a new dimension to things with his rhythm guitar work. Wish I could have heard it a little bit more clearly, but I could certainly hear and appreciate his backup contributions. The abrupt cut out of recording hiss at 3:43 & 3:45 was pretty weak and should have been fixed up. At least fade it out or something.

In any case, solid fast-paced work per the usual from Andreas, great additional contributions from Allan, and a nice cameo intro from Brandon. Great collab work. I can see he doesn't release much material, but I'll be checking out Rubbler's other VGMix releases and hope to see him submit here again, as well as stay active over at DoD.



Yeah, the Shatterhand soundtrack is one of my top 10 favorite NES soundtracks. I’m surprised OCR hasn’t seen more remixes from it.

I certainly think that the intro could have been handled better. I like the intro as a separate entity but slow-to-fast works best when there’s some connection between the parts and I’m not feeling that here. Anyway, once things get going the rhythm and the lead guitars are solid with loads of punch. The solo at 2:12 is very cool and makes me feel like loading my Shatterhand rom and punching the life out of everything on screen. Great job. The drum work is complex and avoids the rock cliché of the overused double bass or some monotonous eighth note kick-snare-kick-snare pattern.

There’s a good mix of original material, rearranged and cover sections to keep things moving along and I have very few problems in the arrangement department. Of course it’s not the most expansive take on the theme but there is a lot of creativity and skill packed into a relatively short mix. Nice work from all those involved.


  • 1 month later...

I think the intro works great. It allows the listener to be caught off guard by the intensity that follows thrusting them headlong into the mix. Fun effect!

I really enjoyed the soloing from 2:11 to 2:35 and from 2:50 to 3:11 right after the sweet fast paced kick snare kick snare stuff. Even though there is little phrasing and almost no movement in larger than major 2cnd increments, the energy behind it is infectious.

That goes for the rest of the track as well. Not much complexity but there is nothing that doesn't work and lots of stuff that does, first and foremost being the contagious adrenaline charged atmosphere created by the song.



Clean Electric Guitar in a snappleman mix? The world is coming to an end! Snapple is obviously trying to pull out the stops on this one to try and compete with Fatman's toenail.

Seriously, Snapple always does good work with good production. I think the segue from the clean to the distorted wasn't really done as well as it could have been. It comes off as sloppy.

The only thing the panel collectively is guarded in with Snapple's works is he used to mix really conservatively. This used to not sit well with our standards as he knows, but I'm happy to report lately this hasn't been as much of an issue. I still think the arrangement here is fairly conservative, as larry said, straight forward/and harmony similarly noted the cover sections. But the subtle and many additions here definitely push this over the edge for me.

Production wise, the tone of the guitar could be a bit crisper with some eq work, but nothing major.

I'm really enjoying this one a lot, great listening. Good work snapple, you're still not as good as Fatman's toenail, but you're certainly good enough for a YES!

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