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*NO* Kirby's Adventure 'A Different Kind of Dream'


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Remixer: TheGuitahHeroe

Game: Kriby's Adventure

Song Remixed: "Ending" (or whatever the ending theme is called, lol)



Remix Name: "A Different Kind of Dream"

Remix Link:

My friend JoePotato28 showed me this theme (and this game) and I knew

immediately that I had to remix it. There was no other option.

This is the result. I made it sometime right in the middle of the GRMRB.

That's really all I have to say.

I'm BORING, I know.

Enjoy guys :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Structurally, this plays it very close to the source, but expands the sound quite a bit, in some pretty nice ways. The shimmering arpeggios throughout really feel Kirby-esque, and the beats and synths are perfect.

My concern is that I don't feel this does enough on the arrangement front. You've definitely polished the track to a really nice sheen, but Beyond making it sound really nice, it doesn't feel at all personalized to me. I think in order for this to get my vote, a little more melodic and harmonic expansion needs to happen. The sound is already perfect, just bump up the arrangement aspect.

No, please resubmit

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can't say I'm really impressed with the source after about 30 seconds, but I think you took some of the good aspects here and expanded on them. I unfortunately am going to agree with Andrew that (even though it's a 'short' source) there isn't enough expansion and development to really give this one a pass. Knowing your other works, I'm comfortable sending this back and knowing you could definitely get more out of it.

NO (resubmit)

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