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"The Champion Synths" Pokemon D/P/Pt Vs Cynthia (Critique Encouraged)

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So a long time ago I created a TERRIBLE remix of the Vs Champion Cynthia theme (I made it when I was just starting out on Garageband.) Now, about two years later I decided to revisit the song and made a new remixed version of the Cynthia battle. I personally like a lot and would like to improve the mix to get it to the appropriate level for OCRemix. So please, take a listen, and as with all remixes, be sure to listen with headphones for the full experience.

ReMix: http://www.box.net/shared/6cpzbmsljgz08i0uhon8



Cool mix, AA! :D The solos and synths are awesome (although the line at 2:16 seems to blend in/is too soft a bit too much) as well as the pitch drop things. But you might also want to switch up the bass more often, I noticed it getting a little bit repetitive.

  • 1 month later...

"The Champion synths"

^I c wat u did ther^

The snare is punching out too much in regards to the rest of the instruments, I would pick something different. There's also something I can't really explain. I think you need a more aggressive sound for the upbeat tempo you chose. Maybe a saw wave in the background or something.


This WIP has a lot of empty space - it could use some more instrumentation to help fill out the frequencies, such as guitars or other synths. The synth is also way too far forward in the first half compared to the background instrumentation. I can hardly hear the rest of the instruments with the synth so loud relative to them. The overall volume of the song can use some boosting, as it sounds very faint as a whole. The drum kit could use some work - maybe some reverb will help it sound better. The background synth could be replaced by strings to better effect IMO. Alter the velocities of the instruments to humanize the sound as well - no person will perform at perfect intervals when playing an instrument.

The song also comes off as mostly a cover to me. The arrangement could use some personalization, some aesthetic that you can call your own.

This song could use a lot of work from what I can tell. Perhaps someone else could give some input that I missed on what could use improving & how.

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