DragonAvenger Posted October 2, 2011 Posted October 2, 2011 Hello! I would like to submit my remix "Thunderbird" for consideration to the Judges' Panel! You can find the song and its original here: Here is all the pertinent information for the remix: Song Title: Thunderbird ReMixer Name: Chris Apple Original Game: Mega Man X Songs Remixed: Storm Eagle Stage I was messing around on the guitar when I accidentally discovered the intro riff to this remix. After that, it was all over. I knew this song *had* to be made. It was stuck in my head from the first moment. It sounded so sassy when swung, it lent itself completely to the blues. While I started out with traditional blues leads and sounds, it didn't quite have the character I was looking for. I found myself drawn to modern metal and rock guitar effects to get extra gain and texture (after all, Mega Man has taught us that Rock and Blues are brothers!) I wanted the drums to hit hard like John Bonham, the guitars to squelch and squeal in the best traditions of rock, and a sassy lead full of attitude. A totally electrified sound that was unmistakably blue. For best results, crank it! Thank you for listening! Chris Apple ------------ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sayGb0MMS_k
OceansAndrew Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 Nice 70's feel to this track, but why is it so quiet? I think it could come up a lot in volume. The drums felt a little indistinct, and the low end in general was a bit muddy. I do think the production needs more refinement; more volume, clarity, and punch. The arrangement was pretty creative, and the performances were decent. Vocals were brief, but fun and unique, and lent even more of a 70's vibe to this; definitely cool. I also feel that the solo section went on a bit long for overall source use. I think this has promise, but needs a bit of a tuneup. No, please resubmit
DragonAvenger Posted October 28, 2011 Author Posted October 28, 2011 Really like the concept, it's not something you'd expect from the source, making it pretty unique. As OA said, the low end is really kinda fuzzy, and overall could be refined. I'd also mention that the drums tend to get stuck in a particular pattern for a long time and could stand to get some more variation to support what's going on in the other instruments. I'd also mention that the transition out of the vocal section is a bit rough, and doesn't quite feel like it fits with the rest of what's going on. I'd like to hear that smoothed out a bit. Neat concept, hope you fix it up. NO (resubmit)
Emunator Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 I'm really digging the more laid-back rock jam thing you've got going here. Some excellent performances and soloing really give this a lot of character. I do have to echo the concern that the production on here isn't exactly doing justice to the awesome arrangement you've crafted. The volume is way too low, which makes it hard to distinguish much of anything going on in the low/mids at my normal listening volume. Even when it's cranked all the way up, you could definitely stand to do some EQ/stereo work to get a bit more separation between your bass, drums, and rhythm guitar. You want to get the different components of the track to stand out more than they currently do. Once you get that done, then remaster the track so it peaks at a more normal volume level, like what you'd expect out of a rock arrangement such as this one. Listen to other songs in this style and pay attention to the dB level they peak at and see how that stacks up to your mix, and I think you'll see what we're talking about. I'm also a little sad to say that the vocal section wasn't clicking nearly as well as it could, but I think that working out a more natural way to transition into that breakdown would solve that problem, as there wasn't really anything wrong with the concept/execution of the part itself. It just needs to be led into more naturally so it makes a bit more sense with the arrangement. Give this some TLC on the mixing/mastering end of things and see what you can do about getting the brief vocal breakdown to fit more naturally, and you'll have a winner here Great start, let's see what you can do to bring it up to where it needs to be. NO (resubmit!)
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