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Original Game: Starfox

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Remix Name: Sergeant Zim's Starfox Squadron

Howdy, it's TO.

This is a remix of Sector X from Starfox. Was my entry in PRCv2-11 as well, however I've worked on this more since then.

Basically what I've done is taken the remixable material from the midi to develop my own song for one of my favourite movie characters of all time, Sergeant Zim from Starship Troopers. I gave the remix a marching beat because Sergeant Zim is a drill instructor.

The voice samples are from the movie, I'm assuming that won't be a problem, as I only used a few clips.

The drums are a mix of RMX and soundfonts, I've tried to make it so it's not too repetative, but in a marching beat there isn't too much drum elaboration one can take. Further into the mix some marching sounds come in to accompany the drums.

Instruments include Oboe, 80's Synth, BooBass, Mandolin, TS-404 and the dark strings to give it that foreboding sound.

I hope you like it,



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/starfox.rsn - "Sector X & Sector Z" (sf-17.spc)

Yeah, I remember this one here. I played the PRC version of this one on VGF54. If you didn't link to that MIDI from Doulifee's space though, Lee, I would have spent hours listening to the SPCs to figure out what you tried to mix. We'll see if anyone else agrees, but I found this to be another overly liberal arrangement; not enough recognizable parts of the original were in here, I felt. The sounds were fairly basic, and not very cohesive at times when the groove stuff kicked in. I finally heard the first section of the source tune recognizably rearranged at 1:39.

The groove was pretty basic, and I felt that the soundclips were too much of a gimmick. Some were too quiet and even the louder ones were somewhat undecipherable. The huge disparity in volume between different soundclips came off as too amateur unfortunately. I liked the string stuff at 2:22, but it was still too liberal. Nice wind instrument layering at 3:50 for the finish. Most of the material felt "inspired by" rather than "derived from", I'm afraid, so I can only go NO.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all leik, "where tf is teh song? lozl" and Virt's like, "PwNt. Tiemfor more chiptoonz"

My first issue is with the *radical* perversion of the source material. There are liberal mixes and then, there's this. And coming from me, that's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge statement.

My second issue are the sound clips (FMJ?) that really seem jarringly out of place and don't really add a *whole* lot to the piece.


--make the song sound like, oh I dunno, Starfox. lolz

--Either new clips, or no clips. Just not *these* clips.



this is as liberal as the donkey's ass. i don't hear enough here to give any substantial credit of arrangement...

the clips rock. have shit to do with anything but whatever, this whole submission is retarded :)

sorry buddy, fine little bit here but nothing for our site



I think the opening chord progression is a close cousin of the progression at 0:01 of the .spc otherwise I don’t hear the source until much later as has been said. The source is there in some form past the mid-mark of the mix but it certainly isn’t developed well enough.

The WEEeeooww synth that comes in at 1:10 somewhat overpowers things. Might want to tone that down.

The clips weren’t all that bad but they would have been more appreciated if they came after a good rearrangement of the source or were well integrated with the music.

Lots of the samples are pretty nice, such as the string instrument at 2:22, but I can’t pass this on sample quality alone. A more developed source would have made this golden.


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