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Are you talking about big character design/portrait sprites, or more "in-game" style sprites?

And this is in response to Mirby too.

We're talking about in-game stuff. Assets that could be used to create JRPG-style battles between Pokemon-style monsters. So, isolated sprites of in-game looking monsters in battle stance, getting hit, and performing an attack or two. Maybe even some mock-up user interface art, if you're up for it.

I'm talking about isolated images of individual creatures, images that can be manipulated in After Effects to create the illusion of gameplay. I'm not looking for complete pictures with backgrounds and all foreground elements statically placed.

And this is in response to Mirby too.

We're talking about in-game stuff. Assets that could be used to create JRPG-style battles between Pokemon-style monsters. So, isolated sprites of in-game looking monsters in battle stance, getting hit, and performing an attack or two. Maybe even some mock-up user interface art, if you're up for it.

I'm talking about isolated images of individual creatures, images that can be manipulated in After Effects to create the illusion of gameplay. I'm not looking for complete pictures with backgrounds and all foreground elements statically placed.

Cutesy monsters, or beasts that are more serious in appearance? Oh, and how big? 32x32 pixels? Bigger?

Cutesy monsters, or beasts that are more serious in appearance? Oh, and how big? 32x32 pixels? Bigger?

I'd say on the cutesy side, but there's definitely some wiggle room. I want your own take on that aesthetic. I asked our video editor what size would be best. Haven't heard back from him yet, but I imagine, since we're doing heavy manipulation here, it's going to be a case of the bigger the better.


Mirby, Coop, and whoever else:

If you're interested, please draw one of the creatures described below and email it to me (shael.riley(at)gmail.com).

* Teabag: A gentlemanly dinosaur, this raptor wears a monocle and top hat. He can be found in Time Square, on New Year's Eve.

* Wolfchest: a bear with a wolf jutting out of its chest. He can be found in any forest North of the Mason Dixon Line, in North America.

* Hissy Fit: This small but fierce viper clutches a baby's rattle in her tale. She can be found in the swamp land of Florida.

* Spectra: This ghost uses blinding light to subdue her opponents. She can be found in areas of urban blight anywhere in the United States.

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