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My remixer name is Techno Jon

My real name is Jonathan Mildner

My website is whytelytnin.co.cc

Submission info:

The game is Sonic the Hedgehog 3

My song title is "Have No Fear"

The song arranged is the credits theme (does it have a real name?


I had started this mix almost immediately after the resubmission of my previous remix, got it done in about a week, and then waited for the three weeks to pass. It seemed like forever. However, I ended up forgetting about it after school started, and so it sat on my desktop for a month and a half untouched. I just remembered about it now, so here it is, submitted. Anyway, I think the mix is pretty clean; had some trouble with the vocals on the first run, but a rerecording fixed that up nicely. The vocals are 100% original (save for the "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" clip, of course) and the song itself has many completely original sections, including the beginning and middle, while still tying into the chord progression of the original credits theme. As well, if you listen closely, you can hear the original bass, lead, and organ in there, on some really similar synths, and copied note-for-note into the mix. What else? Oh! There's two solo sections, a lot of wind, some nice lo-fi stuff, some guitar, sax, piano, and an orchestra in the wind (listen well!) at the end. And... that's about it.


Not a well-known source tune, good to see people hitting up lesser-known stuff for sure.

The vocals need some work. Right away your vocals come in a little unsupported and low for your voice, making it almost impossible to hear what you are saying for the first two syllables. Overall you could use more breath support in your vocals, which will improve your strength. Along with that, you're pitch isn't too bad, but there are some areas that need to be a little steadier. The lyrics and voice leading are another issue, overall the vocal lines don't have clear phrasing, and it feels like a long run-on sentence without a clear period or stopping point. I'd relook at your vocals lines and try to break things up more to allow yourself some time to breathe and give your lyrics more direction.

The delay on the vocals is a bit gimmicky when it's used throughout the track, I'd pull most of it out and use it for parts where it will be more effective. Less is more here.

The backing track has some nice areas, but there is plenty to be worked on here. The drums are repetitive, and the soundscape overall is a bit generic. I think there's more you could do with adding your own ideas to it, especially in helping out the lyrics and voice leading mentioned above.

There is a lot to work on here, but you have some good ideas and from the sounds of it the drive to improve. I'd suggest our WIP forums to get some more feedback and advice.



I pretty much agree with Deia completely. I thought the lyrics were interesting, but the delivery was a bit indistinct, and overall they were super buried and difficult to hear. Once you projected a bit more, they sounded clearer and a bit more solid. I do agree with the feeling of the delivery being a run-on-sentence. I think having a bit more space to properly phrase the vocal melody would be an improvement. It seems like that if you are singing, you just are adding things to keep singing, rather than having some more effective call and response phrases. Adding bits of vocal harmony in some spots would help to break it up as well and add more interest.

The drums could be more exciting as well, they kind of plod on.

I do think the synths are pretty solid, and your source selection is good. This just needs refinement. I'd hit up the WIP threads and get some assistance. :-)

No, please resubmit


Deia's pretty much the vocal expert here and I agree completely with her assessment of your performance, so I'm not gonna touch much more on that.

The mix itself is very quietly mixed, it's like all of the non-vocal elements have been mashed together without much separation, and the reverb levels overall are pretty strong. The instrumental track ends up sounding pretty muddy and flat, I'd strongly suggest hitting up the "Post Your Game Remixes" to get some detailed critiques on how to remaster this to get a much more full-bodied sound out of it. You've got some really cool arrangement ideas and I like the idea of adapting this to a lyrical song, and I actually was really feeling the solos toward the end, but your samples, mixing, and performance all need quite a bit of work. You would do well to take this or some of your future songs to the Workshop forums if you haven't already, where people will be able to give you a lot more specific, step-by-step feedback on how to improve your production and performance, since you've already got a pretty good hang of the arrangement. Good luck!


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