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Remixer Name: Darangen

Real Name: Michael Boyd


Website: www.darangen.com

UserID: 8948

Game: Lufia 2 – Rise of the Sinistrals

Songs: Prophet


This submission is part of Bahamut’s Lufia 2 Project.

I’ve always enjoyed the Lufia series, I even bought a DS just to play the remake of the first one. The source for this doesn’t have a lot of material to work with, but it’s such a beautiful theme that I always found myself setting the controller down for a while just to listen to it for a while.

The title – Hello, Goodbye – is based on the character of Iris in the game, for which this theme is used, because it always seemed that by the time she said hello it was already time for her to leave again. She’d drop in and give you just a tidbit of information, then leave you before really explaining anything.

I always wanted to make a lyrical remix of this source, and though I have lyrics written the melody just gets too repetitive even for my tastes when words are used. Maybe someday down the road I’ll integrate it with another source and see if something happens.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

-Michael ‘Darangen’ Boyd

Original Soundtracks:


the arrangement, though a bit straightforward, was strong enough, but I can't say the mix of synths and guitar here is entirely cohesive, and the mixing seemed kinda hollow. the drums lacked punch, the guitars weren't as crunchy as even some of your old school mixes, and the lead synth was just kinda dull. not trying to discourage you with this track, as I think the arrangement has a lot of potential, but the mixing definitely needs some work. props for (as far as I know) expanding your repertoire a bit with the synth elements and as always, a nice arrangement. hope to hear this one again, and I'm happy to see you subbing lately. :)



I'm much less sold on the arrangement than Drew. It took me a lot of listens to realize this, but your entire arrangement basically consists of the same melody line repeating (with variations, I'll admit,) for 4 minutes. Aside from the breakdown at 1:44, which only lasts for 10 seconds, there's no respite from the melody. I'll give you props for doing a bangup job of changing up your soundscape frequently and getting a LOT of mileage out of your instruments here by using them in many different contexts. However, the arrangement structure is really not working for me, there needs to be some sort of B-section melody or just SOMETHING to offer a contrast to The Prophet tune.

I'll echo the critique about the mixing just sounding slightly off, but that's not the dealbreaker issue for me here. The arrangement needs something that can provide a balance to the melody that you've latched onto for just about all of the mix. You'll have my vote if you can achieve that.

NO (resubmit)


Emu nailed it. You've got a lot going on in terms of your instrumentation changeups, but this is still repetitive in the end due to the fact that it's the same melody over and over. I'd take his advice on adding another section, possibly another source to balance things out.

Going to echo both gentlemen on the mixing issues, and that it's not really where it needs to be. The drums stick out the most in needing to be a bit beefier. I'm again on Emu's side of things where I felt it was less of an issue, but some overall polish would bring this one up a notch.

NO (resubmit)

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