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ReMixer name: Psycho Crusher

Real name: Cristián Escobar

Website: http://soundcloud.com/kris-escobar

Userid: 47622

Name of game arranged: Shadow of the Colossus

Name of arrangement: A Wanderer on the Way

Name of individual song: The Opened Way

My name is Cristián (Kris for my friends), and I live in Chile. Psycho Crusher is the name of my videogame arrangements project.

Arranging from a huge orchestra to a rock band format was challeging. The power is given to the track through the simple but rhythmically rich riffs and potent drum patterns.

The melody has been kept intact, this has always been something I do in my arrangements. I added a lower 8th to the melody, and a minor harmonized passage.

The whole thing finishes with everything playing a nice unison ending.

Thanks for listening, guys.

Greetings from Chile!


There are some cool ideas here, but right away I'm noticing that you stay pretty close to the source material throughout. The main melody is almost verbatim to the source, and the structure has one change that I could hear. Even with some of the backing patterns changed up, this is way too close to the source and needs more arrangement. Based on what I'm hearing I think you could work out some cool original sections, or countermelodies, or little changes to the main melody to help bring your own feel to this better. You do some cool rhythmic changes later on (0:49, for example, is pretty cool), and I'd like to hear that and more earlier on and throughout the track. I'd also suggest adding more rhythmic changes than just each section change, as some of the backing parts get a bit boring.

Production overall feels muddy, and the balance isn't quite where it needs to be. I'm hearing some high end stuff on what I am guessing is an organ at 0:14, but I couldn't tell you what it's playing due to it being overpowered. There's also what sounds like some sour notes at 0:35, but again it's hard to hear because of how drowned out they are by the rest of the track. The track is pushing pretty hard overall, and could be fine-tuned to allow the parts to come through better.

Very cool source to pick, and you've got a start here, but this one needs work.



I think this arrangement feels solid, with a very deliberate pace, and some really nice chugging in the rhythm section, but it's super close to the source, and needs further personalization. I do think in a lot of spots the rhythm guitars were pushed too hard, and as such, the mix couldn't really breathe, and the leads were a bit cramped, but it's a pretty easy fix.

A solo would be really nice, and some additional part writing. You have a good start, just some production tweaks, and some furthering of the arrangement.

No, please resubmit


Yep, pretty much OA and Deia nailed it. The arrangement's pretty much of a cover and overall, it's lacking in personalization. The performances are cool but your song pretty much goes through the motions and doesn't throw anything memorable into the mix to really make it your own.

In addition, I wasn't really thrilled with a lot of your guitar tones or the mixing, some of the leads were really buried into the mix and the rhythm guitars are really encroaching on everything else.

What you've got rocks pretty hard as a straight cover song, but that's not what OCR is looking for, sorry :-(


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