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Dear Judge,

Here is my contact and submission information:

Remixer name: Piertas

Real Name: Pontus Hultgren


Userid: 47657

I made a remix of the various Zerg-themes from the original "Starcraft" by Blizzard Entertainment. I call the arrangement "The Hive Cluster Is Under Attack". I only know the names of the tracks by "Zerg 1", "Zerg 2" and "Zerg 3", which all contain pieces of themes and memorable melodies.

I believe sufficient information about the game and its composers can already be found on OCremix: http://ocremix.org/game/220/starcraft-win

The entire soundtrack can be found on VGMusicCentre's youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL93E3273601342EE0&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_313270&src_vid=dNFnIQoeijM

Also, here is a link to my remix, uploaded and downloadable on Soundcloud, should there be any problems with my attached file: ].

I have always been a fan of Blizzard's games - especially the atmospheric music conveyed in each game. For this remix, I originally intended to make it slow, grinding and ambient. However, I had a look at some of the cinematics for Starcraft 1 and 2, played a few rounds as Zerg and decided to have a bit more fun with it. The Zerg are often played hectically and aggressively, so I wanted my remix to reflect that while still maintaining a distorted, ambient feel to it.

I used Cubase 5 to record, mix and master the remix. The drums were made using EZdrummer. The "guitars" in the remix is actually a distorted bass-guitar and everything else was recorded with my Casio CDP 220R.

I hope you find it enjoyable! I look forward to your response!

Best Regards,

Pontus Hultgren


Wow, some really cool stuff going on here! I like the arrangement and unique sound fusions here, but the production is falling short of the bar.

Some things to watch out for: your rhythm guitars are pretty mid/high-heavy and don't really have any bass to them, and I couldn't even hear your bassline at all (if you even have one in the mix :? ) Your kick drum is almost inaudible too. Basically, you need to beef up your levels in the low end particularly and maybe compensate by EQing the highs/mids down just a touch so that you end up with a more balanced mix.

Aside from that, I was feeling this quite a bit. There may be other issues with the remix in addition to the mixing, but I'm having a hard time evaluating this mix when it feels like an entire frequency range is missing from your track. Maybe some other judges can expand on the stuff I may have missed, but definitely rework your mixing and resubmit this!

NO (resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a heck of a time finding the source parts in the three relatively, fairly ambient tracks. What I have matched up sounds pretty good arrangementally so far, and I suspect it is all in there, it's just a hunt and search sort of thing. I'd love a breakdown of what is where, because I think even if I did find enough to call it a pass I bet I would be missing even more.

Production is definitely not where it needs to be. Emu is totally right that the lack of low end is really weird to listen to. I'm also not digging the guitar tone, which is super fuzzy. This is also combined with a fuzzy synth, so now there are two fuzzies going on at once. It could probably work for some of the sections, but I was definitely looking for some change sooner rather than later. Some areas are pretty crowded as well, 2:50 in particular has a ton going on that is very difficult to make out.

Right now the production needs plenty of work. The low end especially needs to be filled out, and I think some clearer tones on the guitar and synths would help the overall clarity of the mix. If you resub, please be a dear and include a breakdown, too, for me!

NO (Resubmit)


cool, starcraft needs some love. didn't give this one an extremely close look in terms of arrangement, but offhand I was definitely recognizing the themes at play, which were melded nicely. I'd call it an exaggeration to say you can't hear the bassline, I can definitely hear that bass guitar. it just doesn't have any bass. :lol:

anyway, agreeing with most of the crits already mentioned. the mixing and EQ is definitely the biggest issue with this mix, but theres also some pretty unpleasant intonation or intervals going on (see 1:48-2:10) dunno if that's due to the note choices or the guitar being out of tune, but it's definitely bothersome, to my ears anyway.


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