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*NO* Final Fantasy 10 'Silence Before the Storm Mix'


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Remixer Name: SharksAttackSharks

Real Name: Jake Knowles


Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/SharksAttackSharks

Name of Game: Final Fantasy X

Name of Arrangement: Silence Before the Storm Remix

Song Title: Silence Before the Storm

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Mashashi Hamauzu, and Junya Nakano

SharksAttackSharks (One Word)


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Your intro is pretty conservative, and in fact I feel like the plucked string sample is a bit of a step down from the one used in the source :???: Overall, the intro here just isn't catching my attention, it seems like a straight cover of the source without very many changes or upgrades to the sound quality aside from some expanded ambiance (which is a nice touch.)

Once the tempo change kicks in after the 2 minute mark, things start to get a little more original and personalized. I like the treatment of the bassline, that's a pretty neat touch. However, by that point you've already lots me as a listener. I would highly suggest trimming down that opening section significantly as well as rewriting parts of it to make it more of an arrangement and less of a straight cover.

The electronic section afterward is definitely a step in the right direction as far as personalization goes, but it too suffers from being overlong and repetitive. In fact, aside from a little bit of original soloing that happens as you're fading out, it feels like you're pretty much just looping the same few bars over and over for the duration of the track. Simply put, you're gonna need a lot more content to add contrast to the material that you've already got. You've got a few ideas but they need to evolve as the track goes on, and the rest of your instrumentation needs to build around that, too.

Hit the workshop forums for some solid arrangement and production advice, I think that'd do you good :-) They're very helpful there and can offer a lot of specific advice on how to structure your mixes and expand the ideas you've got.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Emu has given some pretty solid advice for improving this; The plucked strings sound very mechanical, and are mixed in such a way that they pierce through everything else. The intro also goes on far too long, though the transition of the tempo increase is a solid idea. The repetition is the main issue, as you'll want to add some additional musical ideas into this to keep it unique and interesting. THe sounds chosen are decent overall, and there is some personalization, but it's too cut and pasted right now..

No, please resubmit

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Pretty much nothing I can add here. Once it kicks in, the ideas are a lot more solid, but they do get repetitive. Overall this just needs more variation, and cutting down the intro as the main things, and adding some humanization/personalization in the intro will really add some shine.

Hit up those WIP forums!


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