Rozovian Posted December 11, 2011 Author Posted December 11, 2011 You can't throw "come up with your own suggestions" to people who point out flaws in yours. It doesn't work like that. Especially because I don't think there is a problem, and I have no need to care about what we can do to fix a non existent problem.You're assuming that the only reason people don't listen to individual remixes is that they don't make trailers and send out email notifications for mixposts. You're putting a lot of words into my mouth. I do not appreciate it. OCR has 79 non-album, non-conditional, judge-evaluated mixes in the tbp list (which doesn't include direct post tracks). There's a few large albums approaching completion and release. A lot of tracks will be posted. The past two album floods were 4 and 6 mixes respectively, the two before being 4 and 5 tracks (one track dated the day after the main mixflood). There's been 4 albums released in the past three months, if we don't count the Concrete Man thing. In addition to those, there's been mixposts from Lucid Dreaming and Harmony of a Hunter. Albums are becoming more and more common. This means individual mixposts will be marginalized, among both unaffiliated tracks and album tracks. This thread is about coming up with ideas to promote the tracks that are not getting a pre-release trailer, a release-date torrent, a press release to relevant websites, and a mass-email to all ocr forum members. So far, what useful points the two of you have contributed with could be summed up in a single sentence: that individual album tracks don't get a lot of reviews or attention either. That's a valid point. ninja'd by l99 and Ash If you don't feel there is a problem, your further participation in this thread is unnecessary. Your stance is clear, and repeating it won't advance this discussion in any meaningful way. QFE btw, Ash, djp is the one posting. His site, his prerogative. Staff contributing to his writeups could probably speed things along (in addition to judge votes and remixer's comments to quote), but I don't think the solution is to delegate the posting. It's been brought up before, and I don't foresee it changing, tho I could be wrong. As with most things ocr, it's djp's choice anyhow. Quote
WillRock Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 Ok, I've just gone through the whole thread. I would say that exposure of general mixes compared to regular is an issue. If you go to and look up any OCR artist who's on an album, the album mixes are the most popular, and specifically, the album versions (the OCR versions have different titles and are thus separate on That says to me that this is a valid concern. Also, Albums do get different forms of exposure, the staff post on game forums etc. I'm disliking most of these solutions with the exception of the icon idea and the roulette exposure idea, because things like staff picks, getting rid of tracks from the russian roulette extra is showing unfair bias against OCR specific versions of album mixes. Like Level 99 says, albums are different to mixposts, there is room for both. I think people are looking at this from the wrong angle. Alot of people seem to think that changing stuff on OCR itself is the way to solve the issue, but this issue is stemmed from promotion outside of OCR imo, which means changing things on OCR alot of people wouldn't see anyway. The only way to make it fair would be to promote all the mixes the same way, if that means giving promotion for regular mixes, or taking the album promotion away. Even if all the albums and mixes are promoted the same amount in the same way, albums would probably be more popular, simply because they are albums... if its just as easy to download an album, people will go down that route. Its bigger, more exciting than a single track, and its bound to get more people interested, particularly if its from a Game series they like. What you going to be more excited about? One Sonic Mixpost, or Sound of Speed? You'd most likely share the album if given the choice right? Dunno if there is a good solution to this problem. Albums will be albums and mixposts will be mixposts I guess. As for the Teaser/ZIP debate, I agree with Neblix and DJM, thats effectively making them albums, if thats the intention from the idea or not. Also Rozo, I <3 you man, but there is no need for the sarcasm with DJM, he put forward some good feedback on your ideas and you basically laughed at him because he didn't agree with you. Sorry if i'm making an example of you, but this is getting borderline heated right now with your discussion with neblix. I'd just like to say - and this goes out to everyone in the thread - just try and keep a polite disposition here cause this is the sort of thread that people can start a potential flame war in, don't give yourselves a reason to start one Quote
Ab56 v2 aka Ash Posted December 11, 2011 Posted December 11, 2011 btw, Ash, djp is the one posting. His site, his prerogative. Staff contributing to his writeups could probably speed things along (in addition to judge votes and remixer's comments to quote), but I don't think the solution is to delegate the posting. It's been brought up before, and I don't foresee it changing, tho I could be wrong. As with most things ocr, it's djp's choice anyhow. I understand and agree that the site's creator has final executive authority over its content; this thread is just a vehicle for putting up options for the creator's consideration. If there are viable suggestions for helping the site grow or adapt to growth, they're worth talking about and evaluating for both djp's benefit, and that of the greater VGM community. Quote
Rozovian Posted December 11, 2011 Author Posted December 11, 2011 Back to suggesting, then. I understand and agree that the site's creator has final executive authority over its content; this thread is just a vehicle for putting up options for the creator's consideration. If there are viable solutions for helping the site grow or adapt to growth, they're worth talking about and evaluating for both djp's benefit, and that of the greater VGM community. I was trying to be informative, not dismissive. You've been around for longer than I have but I don't know how active you've been. Seen you around, but I dunno how much you're in on how the remixing/subbing side of things work. I also misunderstood, you were talking about the remix of the week idea, not mixposts. Seems I've yet to recover fully. Anyway, more suggestions: How about artist spotlights? With there being a little more than 700 remixers (iirc, database not being much help with everyone labeled "artist"), that'd two years with daily artist spotlights. Russian Roulette with artists would be better as that'd be random and the turnover would be way faster. Include the remixer's most recent mixpost's youtube vid, a list of a few other tracks by the remixer, and some comment by someone on something of his/hers/theirs. Sure, we'd need artist reviews, but someone was doing that a while back anyway, and making it a community thing to review artists for this project would make it more involving anyway, and encourage ppl to listen and perhaps review the tracks as well. And that's just in it's production phase. It'd also remove bias towards those that have a gazillion remixes on the site, unless the artists were weighted in the roulette... which I suggest they not be. Themed double mixposts? People familiar with game X might wanna hear something from the same composer. Or the same game series. Or whatever other connections we can come up with. djp mentioned doing a related mixes kind of thing, this would be one way of doing that. Consider this experiment: two are posted, one is tweeted, one is youtube-bulletined, we see what yields more downloads, if ppl don't go for both of them. Do this a few times to eliminate top-of-the-list, genre and artist biases, see how the numbers add up. For science! Quote
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