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*NO* Final Fantasy 8 'Ultimecia's Home'


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ReMixer name: Rhiannon Myfanwy

Real name: James Watkins

Website: http://rhiannonmyfanwy.bandcamp.com/

Game Arranged: Final Fantasy VIII

Name of Arrangement: Ultimecia's Home

Individual Song Arranged: The Castle

Listening to The Castle one day, it occurred to me that the quick bit in the middle of this song could make a great thrash metal breakdown. The rest of the remix stemmed from that. I'd been planning to record a metal remix of a Final Fantasy song for about six years before I finally recorded this.

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Loooooove this source. It's super eclectic, and I agree that some sections would be pretty awesome as a metal breakdown.

Right now the biggest issue that's going on with this track is that is a cover of the original, and there isn't much in terms of arrangement and your own personal flair to it, aside from the genre change of sections. Along with that, based on what I am hearing, it feels as though you are only interested in using some of the sections of the song, while the rest are left mostly alone. I'd suggest taking the sections you want and working with them, and either working some transitions between them, or maybe finding another source you might want to use with it. Don't feel trapped by the source!

I'm noticing some timing slight timing issues, which aren't a huge thing, but they are noticeable. It's tough to play everything and keep it tight, but It's definitely something to strive for. I'd also work on the mixing and mastering; the bass feels pretty quiet, which is sucking the energy out of things and making the whole track feel pretty sparse. I do like your drum sequencing, it's all very appropriate to the track and shows a lot of personality.

I gave you a ton to work on, and this track does need a lot of work, but there's some promise in here, too! I can really hear the idea you are going for from 1:27-1:45. I'd love to hear you fill out the other areas like that. I'm going to suggest you use our WIP forums to get some further feedback from our community, and keep working on things.


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the synth stuff at the beginning wasn't too interesting.. very simple, unerprocessed tones (not that such a thing can't be done right). things got a lot better when the guitars kicked in, and I agree that metal is a great direction to take this source, but arrangement wise unfortunately what you have is too much of a cover for OCR consideration. production, though a bit sparse was alright overall (master gain seemed pretty low) so I look forward to hearing some more expansive arrangements from you in the future. :)


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I think I see what you were going for with the intro, but it honestly feels rather detached from the rest of the arrangement because there's no sound design or any processing done to those synths to help them mix with the rest of the track better.

Watch your humanization on the harpsichord at the end too, it's sequenced very rigidly with no dynamics in the velocities/timing.

The production is not bad, but your guitar tones could still use some work and the mastering is also very quiet.

More importantly, this is pretty much a straight cover and would need a lot more personalization on the arrangement to stand up to OCR's standards.

However, there's some strong parts in this mix that definitely have merit. Your performances are pretty strong, and I really like how you integrated non-rock instrumentation elsewhere in the song (the piano breakdown was well-executed particularly.) Your drumming was really neat, too. Keep sending stuff our way, I think you've got a ton of potential but this track's not doing it for me.


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