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Contact Information:

ReMixer name: AlmightyArceus

Real name: Jordan Wynne

eMail address:

Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlmightyArceus

UserID: 33305

Submission Information:

Games arranged: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Name of Arrangment: 7/4, Snover and Out

Name of individual Songs Arranged: Route 216

Composers: Junichi Masuda/ Go Ichinose

Link to Original:

More Information About This Mix:

Ahhh, the holiday season. I've been waiting to remix this theme since last Christmas, since I really wanted to fit the spirit of the season. It's always good to approach things at a new angle, and being the season for joy and cheer, I decided to take a rather--different approach to the Pokémon song that is most commonly associated with the holidays: the theme to Route 216. I quite enjoy working in odd time signatures, and this one seemed to flow naturally...despite being a complete time switch from 4/4 to a 7/4 time signature. The original theme has a rather jazzy/cheery feeling, and I take this cheer and make it more quirky and interesting, while pertaining a sort of glacial joy as well; think of something along the lines of Wonderful Christmastime, but a bit more chordally and rhythmically involved. Lots of the chords carry hints of dissonance within them that manage to blend together rather well, and the piece stays surprisingly steady with the drum track helping lead the way.

This song was produced on Garageband 2011, with enhancement/more mastering completed on FL Studio 9 by TheGuitahHeroe. I have to give credit to TheGuitahHeroe, without whom the mastering quality of the track would be much lower. He assisted in enhancing the production quality of the track (while also adding on a little tag of his own in the ending, as a little playful addition he wanted to include in my remix.) I thank him thoroughly.

This song has lots of little playful differences and variances from the original, and plays with some of the transitions and such (as well as pays homage to the most classic of 7/4 songs in one moment--see if you can spot it in the solo line in the mix.) I hope you thoroughly enjoy what this track has to offer!

  • 2 months later...

Lots of detail to this one. There are a few times where I feel like the 7/4 is a bit awkward, I found most of it to work well, and that the adaption overall is a success. The arrangement is a lot of fun, and overall it's pretty energetic. I wasn't super sold on the sounds, and felt like overall things are a bit mid heavy, but I think the issues overall are small in the long run. Clever title, too.



This definitely reminded me of TheGuitahHeroe's work, your sound pallet is very bland but you do some cool stuff with it. I see what you were going for with the very dreamy, reverb-heavy soundscape but I think you overdid it. The drums particularly sound so washed out, it stops really feeling like an intentional stylistic choice and instead just seems like a production flaw. Overall, I feel like this needs some rebalancing, the mids are so muddy and crowded. Tone back on the reverb, get a little bit more separation on your instruments so everything isn't bleeding together quite as badly and you utilize more of your available soundscape to its fullest potential.

Also, as much as I love your drum writing, those fills have a tendency to come out of nowhere, making your transitions really startling for a track that seems like it's supposed to be more chilled out. Not a dealbreaker by any means, but it's something that bothered me a little bit so I figured I'd mention it anyway and see if the feedback resonated with anybody else.

The arrangement/writing here is killer, and I love the Mario Party-style vibes I'm picking up, but I feel like it needs some balancing and mixing polish before it's ready to go. We hope to see you again soon!

NO (resub!)


There are some very nice moments, but overall there isn;t a lot of cohesion between the parts. Drums are interesting but never really settle in on a solid groove, and the samples tend to bleed into each other a bit and could use some separation. There is a good foundation here, but it needs some refinement.

The breakdown section is really nice though, that was my favorite part. :-)

No, please resubmit


I relistened to this one, and I'm going to have to agree with the gentlemen above about the production aspects, especially in terms of the reverb and the bleeding of instruments. While I do think it's still pretty borderline, I think having you touch it up will be an improvement on all fronts. Rather than have this one sit for a long time, I'm going to change my vote and get it back to you sooner!

NO (please resubmit!)

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