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LT Edit - Original decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=53405


Lo OC Remix,

This is my second time submitting this mix of the Killer Instinct theme. Hope it fares better.

Awesome link to the mix:

Vital info:

Remixer name: Vitus

Real Name: Mike Gormly

Email: Mgormly@uvm.edu

Remix info:

Game Remixed: Killer Instinct

Song Remixed: Main Theme

Remix name: Chiller Instinct

Comments aboot das mix: This version has a dulled kick drum, and the drum programming gets mixed up a little more. The string samples also got toyed with so they're more atmospheric and spooky. I dunno, opossums.


Whoa, the kick has certainly been toned down from the original version but now it feels absolutely lifeless. For the driving vibe that they are after they’ve got to have a certain punch. For this mix, that's not the real problem child though…

What’s up with the droned notes? I swear some of them go for almost the entire mix and by 1:17 when the melody enters, the confusion that they create is absolutely unbearable. Without them I would probably say that this mix needs tons more variation and creative use of the source, as the KI melody is basically played verbatim over the muddled pads. Hit the ReMixing forum and ask around about cleaning up your sounds. You can keep a spooky atmosphere without the pad jumble.




http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ki.rsn - "Main Theme" (ki-01.spc)

The vibrato sound is "spooky"! The slow attack reverbed stuff isn't spooky, but it is the pillow that smothers the rest of the piece. However if the piece hadn't been smothered it would have still been lobotomized thanks to the uninterpreted melody, repetitive drums and practically NO developement. Anyway.... I really like that vibrato sound.



there's nothing wrong with the pads. the slow attack works fine. what doesnt work is the weak attack on the lead instrument. the lead itself is quiet and weak. the instrument is boring. there is very little texture in most of the instruments.

the pads (first minute of the track) is all this song has going for it. the atmosphere works, but aside from that there's no arrangement and most of the instruments are clunky.



No offense, but I dunno how this could be resubbed in this form and expected to pass. It's not much different than the first version. Frankly, this version sounded even more swamped than the previous, and, same as last time, the source material isn't interpreted much. Call this one a done deal please, and move onto the next project. I also crap on Gray for liking this one last time around. /grin


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