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F-Zero SNES Port Town


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I've begun work on my first real remix, that being of the super awesome Port Town theme from the original F-Zero.

I've only got the intro, so far.

Obviously, I've got plenty of work ahead of me, but in the meantime, what do you think about the direction (or lack thereof) I've got going so far?

Is this an alright start?

What would you say is working and what isn't?

Feel free to lay down the criticism; I am all ears!

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I like the motion of it and the pace. It sounds like it can really build to something nice. I don't like the sounds you have in place. The electric-pianoish sounding stuff sounds too drab, the bass lacks interest, and the percussion sounds too static (and I don't mean noisy). Maybe those things will add up to more than it sounds like so far, but the intro is all there is to go off of at the moment :-P

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I've done some more work on the intro, trying to make the instruments more interesting and creating a more varied percussion part. Also, the tempo has been lowered some, if mainly to account for the percussion being more syncopated.

It's still just the intro, but hopefully, better than before. Still a long ways to go, but it's progress, at any rate.

BTW, most of the instruments were done by me with TAL-Elek7ro and clearsynth, except the E-piano (Used a LazySnake preset modified its parameters around) and the drums (used TS-808)

Would you say this is a step up?

(Next, I'm going to do the rest of the original theme and sort of build around that. Also, I think I'm going to end up adding more to it before this part, for more of a building-up effect. Good plan?)

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Actual progress has been made.

I did more revision on the intro and now have actually added more of the song.

There's also some organ and more synths, as well as an improved (IMO) bass patch and a more fitting percussion pattern. Actually many instruments were redone with Synth1.

Yeah, pretty slow progress, but I've been strapped for free time lately and I AM trying to make this a quality mix.

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I like everything presented, except it seems

a) dull in the intro. Pump it up, give it pizz-azz. Have the higher synth crescendo into the song, perhaps?


B) that clicking sound is gonna make me go crazy. Everything is so quiet except that staccato click. It might be the leveling in the mix or it might just be the accentuated nature of the instrument. In suffice, I don't like it.

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Thanks for the feedback, PixelPanic (and belated thanks to C7)!

By the click, I'm guessing you meant the clave-like thing.

I've made it much quieter, and also tried to make other parts louder, now.

Also, another section has been finished.

Haven't messed with any dynamics or stuff, yet, but I will heed your advice regarding the intro. If I work diligently, I could have another update in a couple hours. (I wouldn't hold your breath, though.)

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Yeah! So much progress!

Not. (Finals week can do that to a body.)

It's something, though.

Next update will feature the entirety of the original song and even some dynamics. Probably could use some thicker instrumentation, as well. Would that be the case?

That said, I don't anticipate the next update taking an entire week like this one did, optimistically. I foresee the remix as a whole being finished sometime before the 26th century, so don't completely count it out. :-P

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Clashing notes, thin sounds, and the whole thing is a mess. :( Do some comparisons with similar, posted remixes (try stuff from 07 and on) and listen to how loud, how muffled, how distant different sounds are in those tracks. Apply to your track with levels, EQ, and reverb.

Learn to listen critically to your own works, it'll help a lot. ;)

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By clashing notes, do you mean that in terms of pitches?

I'm not exactly clear on what you meant by that.

I thank you for giving your word. Didn't realize t'was that off the mark. Critical listening/hearing other's submitted works is sort of making it more clear what the difference between my thing and other, more refined sounds is. Much work will need to be done.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I didn't reply before, thanks Snow for reviving this.

By clashing notes, do you mean that in terms of pitches? I'm not exactly clear on what you meant by that.

Yes, pitches. The highly resonant bass might be from a drum track actually, or the instrument could be tuned wrong.

If you understand scales, make sure everything except drum notes (and atonal sound effects) are in the same scale. If you don't understand scales, stick to the white keys on the piano roll (except for drums and atonal sound effects), the white keys are a scale.

When you do understand scales, you can experiment with stuff outside of them, but until you do, your music will sound better if you play it safe and just learning different scales. This stuff isn't easy, but it's fun when you notice you're improving.

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  • 5 months later...

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