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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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Posted (edited)

I thought it was "No holes barred". How embarrassing. Anyway, I want one of those Feng Shui Engines (though it sounds more like a fancy plug-in for some furnishing simulator that Madonna would really love).

Nicely written, but it seems to me you assume that the reader has previous knowledge of these Zan fireball people. I don't think it actually needs to be any longer than it already is, so try not to flesh out too much.

Edited by Dafydd
Posted (edited)


Juri Han

Article by: Arek The Absolute

Pictured from: Super Street Fighter IV

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 2010


Beautiful, enticing, and deadly, Juri Han is a woman that proves that roses do have thorns. She enters the second chapter of Capcom's Street Fighter IV with a bang.

Juri is one of the central characters in the story of Super Street Fighter IV. Skilled and talented, she mastered the martial art of Tae Kwon Do at the age of 15. Her father was a prominent lawyer in charge of prosecuting criminal organizations, and, similarly to Chun-Li's father, had his eye on taking out Shadaloo. Not hesitating to take action to stop her father, Shadaloo kidnapped him, as well as his wife and Juri. Unfortunately, while in captivity, she lost both of her parents, as well as her left eye. Noticing her exceptional skills, brainwashed her to work for them and replaced her left eye. 10 years has passed since the incident, and now she works under a man named Seth as an agent of S.I.N. under the very appropriate alias, "Spider".

Juri uses Tae Kwon Do as her fighting style of choice, a first for the Street Fighter scene. Many fans of fighting games will immediately draw parallels to SNK's own Kim Kaphwan, but she has more than enough merits to label her unique, as if Capcom was making her a cross-company foil. While Kim Kaphwan fights for justice and epitomizes "honor" in every sense of the word, Juri, staying true to her alias of "Spider", is cold and merciless, always toying with her prey after decimating them in combat. Compassion is a word that she eliminated from her dictionary long ago.

Not only different in demeanor from Kim, Juri is far more offensive and crafty, utilizing the "Feng Shui System" implanted as her left eye to its fullest extent. She excels at both close and long-range combat, making her an extremely tricky opponent to fight against. Quick and agile, she is able to rack up combos and confuse her opponents. With the "Feng Shui System", she is able to empower her pinwheel-esque spin move Senpusha, and is able to keep her opponents at bay using Fuhajin, a technique that allows her to shoot or store fireballs from her feet at three different angles. Intended by game producer Yoshinori Ono to be a character that is easily accessible to those newer to fighting games, Juri is a character that is easy to pick up, yet hard to master, making her a well accepted addition to the vast cast of the Street Fighter series.


"I enjoyed hearing you scream. I'm looking forward to hearing it again."

Selected game appearances

Xbox 360



Hope this makes the cut :)

EDIT: revising to fit the tips polo gave :)

Edited by Arek the Absolute

Yo people. My computer's on the fritz, meaning I'm working from my family's computer right now, I'm struggling to stay up-to-date with this latest flood of mascots, and I'm not sure I can write a new bio for the time being. But others can claim their mascots to bio-ify and I'll gladly offer feedback.

Darklink42, just for reference, we typically post a bio the way Arek did, in terms of format and readability. It makes our job easier when we enter it into OCR's Wiki. As for Scrooge's bio:

- You nail that he's wealthy and greedy, but I think it would be more colorful if you explained HOW so. Remember his tall building with the golden money symbol on it? How about noting that he spends time swimming in his sea of coins every now and then? And he's always sporting a top hat and a cane. Plus he keeps his number one dime in a glass jar. All these characteristics I remember off the top of my top hat - who wouldn't? List some of those things as a chance to better personalize your words and the old duck's character.

- Details also work wonders for describing the games he appears in. For the first game, note the treasures he seeks in the 4 corners of the earth plus the moon and the fact that he races against Flintheart Glomgold for the goods. Also, try shining light on why gamers are so fondly attached to his first game through positive aspects (play control? music? the Moon's theme? graphics? all of the above?) rather than resigning with "not having much of a plot beyond Scrooge hunting for treasure." Readers would already know that after reading the first paragraph, so branch out.

- Huey, Dewey, and Louie refer to both Scrooge and Donald Duck as their Uncle - so how can one uncle be the uncle of another uncle?

- Yes, there's Launchpad, as well as Mrs. Beakley, Webbigail, the Beagle Boys and their Ma... It's not a prerequisite to list every acquaintance/enemy in a bio, but it would help if they illustrated their relationship to Scrooge to explain his motives, likes, dislikes, daily life, types of adventures, and so on.

- "His relationship to all of his nephews has softened quite a bit over time, as they have gone on adventures together." You're implying he was originally cold to his nephews without establishing that earlier. This is where better exploring his relationships with the other characters would clarify things.

- Out of personal preference, I'd suggest putting the paragraph about his game appearances at the end. You can start by building his character and how it's colored/influenced by who surrounds him (friend and foe), and THEN dive into his eternal desire to hunt still more treasure in video games of all places.

Not bad for a WIP. But Scrooge deserves something richer (pun intended). Best of efforts with your revision.

Sup Arek, that's a creatively engaging first bio you got there. A few notes:

- The Created by line needs a link to the Capcom page in OCR's database.

- "works under Seth" ("works under a man named Seth" might sound better since the current wording implies the reader knows who or what Seth is)

- So far the Xbox 360 is the system associated with the mix currently on OCR, so we'll keep repeat titles (direct ports with no changes) like the PlayStation 3 one off the game appearance lists (unless a song from that system's port of Super SF4 gets mixed).

- There are spelling and punctuation slip-ups in there, and while we can make the changes ourselves when the bio's Wiki'ed, it never hurts to be careful in the first place. Following cleanup, I think this is a go.

P.S. djp Photoshops the mascots, so pester him if you want that badass pic instead of the one he already supplied.

P.S. 2 - I'm flattered you used one of my bios as a guide. :-D


Glad to hear that you like it. It was definitely fun writing it :)

Was thinking of changing the quote, but I am not sure. Here are the two I might change it to:

-"I enjoyed hearing you scream. I'm looking forward to hearing it again."

-"Don't think we're finished here. We have all night, baby..."

I really like the quote I originally chose, but the problem with it, is that the text alone doesn't carry just how impacting it is compared to when you hear her say it in her intro video.



- Huey, Dewey, and Louie refer to both Scrooge and Donald Duck as their Uncle so how can one uncle be the uncle of another uncle?

I don't think it's ever really established why Donald and The triplets are cousins, but I think it has something to do with that he is actually their grand-uncle. There's a lot of family tree stuff on wikipedia that I didn't really look at. I'll probably take some time to read it and see what the real deal is, but I do know that Scrooge is the "uncle" to both Donald and the triplets.

Otherwise, thanks for the recommendations Polo and Dafydd. I'll tighten up the bio and add some details, and get you guys the revision as soon as I get back from work tonight.

-"I enjoyed hearing you scream. I'm looking forward to hearing it again."

This quote has more impact - it's specific and directly reflects her cold-bloodedness/lack of compassion (not in her dictionary :D), which is already noted. Someone will interpret the second one as "OMFGSEXLOLRULE34" or a cliffhanger that suggests she bides her time for revenge or is, in fact, a tad sympathetic.

There's a lot of family tree stuff on wikipedia that I didn't really look at.

Unfortunately, I'm guilty of this too. Probably because I'm not writing his bio and am not refreshing my memory that well. :lol:

Glad to work with you guys. Let me know when you're satisfied with your end products.


Take care that when you add new stuff, Arek, it doesn't clash with what you already wrote. Regarding the paragraph about Juri's background:

- You repeat that she's in Super Street Fighter IV, she practices Tae Kwon Do, and the Feng Shui System is in her left eye. Decide which mentions you want to keep and where.

- "Unfortunately" halfway through suggests that getting kidnapped was a good thing before something bad then befell her.

- "brainwashed her to work for them, as well as replacing her left eye" --> "brainwashed her to work for them and replaced her left eye"

On the nitpick side, you drop extraneous words here and there; "definitely" in the opening sentence, "Very" in the 2nd paragraph's 2nd sentence, and the phrase "rest assured" later on could be cut to keep the bio sounding less fanboy-enthusiastic and more plainly direct. It's okay to have colorfully descriptive bits ("proves that roses do have thorns" = hot; "as if Capcom was making her a cross-company foil" = heh), but mascot bios do strive to be concise and fairly unbiased.

You're almost there, dude. Check it for a consistent tone and no ugly repeats of sorts.

Posted (edited)


Before anyone sorted these things out, I was convinced they were all related as uncles and nephews so that Disney wouldn't have to get into the whole parenting and marriage thing. Both Mickey and Donald have notoriously unreliable relationships with their "girlfriends" Minnie and Daisy, of which at least the latter is in no way a stranger to going out with other "men" (often favoring Donald's own cousin), but at the same time jealous enough to sabotage any of his attempts to see other "women". Imagine all this combined with actual parenting, and Disney would have put themselves into the crossfire of a political debate they would probably rather avoid.

EDIT: Dewey's real name is Deuteronomy? No wonder they call him Dewey.

Edited by Dafydd
Posted (edited)

Yeah, that was my response too. Can you imagine what school would be like with a name like that?

Here's the revision. I think it still needs some tweaks here and there, but I'm happier with it.


Scrooge McDuck

Article by: Taylor Lake (Darklink42)

Pictured from: DuckTales

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 1947 (non game)


Scrooge McDuck started out from the bottom as a lowly shoe shiner in his native hometown of Glasgow, Scotland. From those humble roots, he’s grown to be the richest duck in the world. His first taste of American currency was a dime he got as a kid, and although he now has a tower filled with gold coins that he swims in, he still keeps that dime in a jar to remind himself and his nephews of the value of hard work. Be it from competition with others or just plain ennui from being at the top, he is constantly on the lookout for new ways to make money. Not above adventuring, even at his distinguished age, Scrooge has explored countless famous locations in search of treasures, wealth, and fame.

For all of his wealth, Scrooge was a lonely old miser for a long time, having little to do with his relatives. He is the uncle of Donald Duck, and more eminently, the great-uncle of the triplets Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Once he started looking after his nephews, and shared some adventures with them, he softened considerably and has since become their beloved “Uncle Scrooge”. Wealth also breeds enemies, and Scrooge has his hands full with the likes of fellow Scotsman and tycoon Flintheart Glomgold, as well as the notorious Beagle Boys, a group of thieves dedicated almost exclusively to robbing him.

Aided by his nephews and his bumbling but loyal pilot Launchpad, Scrooge set out in DuckTales to acquire famous treasures from around the world to reinforce his position as the world’s richest duck. This was his first videogame appearance, and is still remembered fondly by gamers for its challenging game play and catchy soundtrack. Scrooge McDuck hasn’t been in many games since then. In Kingdom Hearts II, his most recent appearance, he helped King Mickey develop the space transit system which links the worlds together. He also has a fondness for sea salt ice cream.


" I wouldn't miss this for all the scones in Scotland!”

Selected game appearances


Ducktales (1990)

Playstation 2

Kingdom Hearts 2 (2005)


Wikipedia- "Scrooge McDuck"

Wikipedia- "Ducktales"

Ducktales Instruction Manual

Now edited with current suggestions.

Edited by Darklink42
Posted (edited)

This is great! My only complaints this time are about the last paragraph. The last sentence is too long, and also I would prefer if you changed the first part of the first sentence of that last paragraph into "Aided by his nephews and his bumbling but loyal pilot Launchpad" to avoid confusion.

Edited by Dafydd
Posted (edited)

I see you already fixed that. Looks great! Split the last sentence in two. Try this:

Scrooge McDuck hasn’t appeared in many games since then; his most recent appearance was in Kingdom Hearts 2, where he is said to have helped King Mickey develop the space transit system which links the worlds together. He also has a fondness for sea salt ice cream.

Edited by Mirby

Cool revision, Mr. T.L. :) Some notes:

- DuckTales has a capital T, according to Wikipedia and most results in a casual Google search. Yeah, I know the game in OCR's database leaves the "t" lowercase, but we'll go with the commonly accepted spelling. I'll bug the higher-ups about the capitalization (and other bio-related matters) soon.

- I think you mean Disney is the creator of Scrooge; both existed before Capcom and the game based on the cartoon influenced by the comics. But I am happy you wrote (non-game) in the First appearance line.

- "Huey, Louie, and Dewey" --> Not Huey, Dewey, and Louie? (the order doesn't HAVE to be traditional, but I anticipate more than a few people going "wait, don't you mean...")

- "and the notorious Beagle Boys" --> I think "as well as" would fit better than "and", since they and F.G. aren't his only enemies. It also flows more easily after the comma.

- "Scrooge set out in Ducktales" --> You mean the NES game, right? Just make it clear, cuz I first thought you were talking about the cartoon. Also, the next sentence treats that mention as unrelated to Scrooge's first VG appearance. Maybe start the 2nd sentence as "This was his first video game appearance, which is still fondly remembered..." or similar, in order to bridge it cleanly.

- "...to once again claim his title as the world’s richest duck." Do you mean he lost his title or simply wants to maintain it?

- "In his most recent appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2" --> "In Kingdom Hearts II, his most recent appearance,..." sounds more concise, IMO.

- "is said to have helped" can be cut to avoid the passive voice.

So far so good. :D


I went and edited in everyone's suggestions. I didn't change the Capcom part just yet, because I wasn't sure whether I should link that tag to the Disney grouping we already have in the OCR list, or to an outside link. Thanks for the solid input guys.


For now, we can use the Wikipedia link. Once djp and co. flesh out the vast majority of the newly added Organizations, we can consider linking there.

And congrats on completing your first mascot bio, Darklink42. It's now in the database. *applause*


I didn't volunteer on the other bios because I've never played the games they are from, but if no one else ends up taking them, I can do another one.

Also, glad to have finally crossed over to the writer's side of things. :mrgreen:

Posted (edited)

Fei Long


Article by: Polo

Pictured from: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 1993


It's little wonder that Bruce Lee, a movie actor famed for his flamboyant command of martial arts, could influence the creation of fighting game characters in his image. One need only look to Capcom's Street Fighter series to find one of the most direct personifications of him in any fighting game. His name is Fei Long, and ever since The New Challengers, he's been channeling the outfit, mannerisms, and even the shrieking battle cries of the kung fu legend.

A master of Hitenryu kung fu, Fei Long makes full use of his speed and flexibility to catch his opponents off-guard. If he's close, he can dish out a flurry of aptly named one inch punches, or he can "cartwheel" over his opponent (by half-jumping, half-rolling on his back) as an evasive maneuver. Air attacks include flaming kicks: some spiral upwards, and others end a combo like his ultra in Street Fighter IV. His victory poses also emulate Bruce Lee's fighting spirit, whether he brandishes a pair of nunchakus or assumes a battle stance and emits a wailing taunt.

A movie director took note of Fei Long's prowess and hired him to shoot action films, a career that's evident in Street Fighter Alpha 3. While it's a way to make a living, the Hong Kong fighter is not ultimately satisfied with cinematic fame. He enters the second World Warrior tournament not only to test his grit, but because he feels that choreographed martial arts could never match the real thing.


"You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you!"

Selected game appearances

=== Arcade ===

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)

=== Super NES ===

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)

=== PlayStation ===

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)

=== PlayStation 3 ===

Street Fighter IV (2009)

=== Xbox 360 ===

Super Street Fighter IV (2010)


Wikipedia - "List of Street Fighter Characters - Fei Long"

The Fighter's Generation - "Fei Long"

StrategyWiki - "Street Fighter II/Characters/Fei Long"

Edited by Polo
Posted (edited)

T. Hawk


Article by: Polo

Pictured from: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Created by: Capcom

First appearance: 1993


In the southwestern United States, there lived a tribe of Native Americans called Thunderfoot. Their days of unity were shattered when a crime syndicate called Shadoloo forcibly usurped their land, in the process killing many, enslaving some, and scattering the rest. Thunder Hawk, one of the last survivors of his clan, was an infant when it happened, but he has neither the intention of forgiving the criminals nor the will to give up his heritage to history. Instead, he solemnly vows to take back his homeland and seek out the rest of his kin with his life. What's become of both, he knows not; all he knows is that by entering the second World Warrior tournament, he has a chance to personally bring justice to the head of Shadoloo, the man behind the attack: M. Bison.

Muscular but speedy, merciless in battle yet sympathetic to nature, T. Hawk is a warrior who draws upon the mixed strengths and emotions of generations of a once-proud Native American tribe. As the above image illustrates, his aerial assaults give a literal meaning to his name; he leaps and dives diagonally forward with his arms stretched behind him like a bird of prey, a move which enables him to close in on anyone he fights. Grappling-based beatdowns are where he really cuts loose: T. Hawk grabs his opponent by the head or foot, leaps in the air while spinning them in circles, and smashes them full-force into the ground, sometimes repeatedly. If he executes this barrage as a finishing move, he might even land on his fallen opponent, but in a sitting pose and giving a characteristic open hand salute. Between his moveset and his end goals, T. Hawk desires, above all, to set the spirit of Thunderfoot soaring once again.


"Your scream sounds like a pathetic war cry!"

Selected game appearances

=== Arcade ===

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)

=== Super NES ===

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)

=== PlayStation ===

Street Fighter Alpha 3 ( 1998 )

=== Xbox 360 ===

Super Street Fighter IV (2010)


Wikipedia - "List of Street Fighter characters - T. Hawk"

Street Fighter Wiki - "T. Hawk"

'Super Street Fighter 4' Character Guide - T. Hawk

Edited by Polo

Nice! My only concern is "What's become of both, he knows not;" - I'm not a native speaker, but I feel "either" or something would be more appropriate here, assuming his homeland and his kin did not both suffer an identical fate. But I'm just a silly Swede.


That could work too. But I stuck with "both" because it's easy to lump his homeland and his kin in the same boat since T. Hawk barely knew them when they were taken from him as an infant. So they're of equal importance. Clever catch nonetheless.

And don't worry about the Mass Effect mascot - I'm writing something for him, too.

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