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My Sharona! - djp

Remixer Name - Takumi Takahashi

Real name - Kitsune Rogers

Email- kitsune@godsoframen.com

Game - Suikoden

Song - The ancient village / Rune Village


A friend inspired me to do a video game remix, and almost instantly, I knew what song I had to do.

I remember first playing Suikoden, and getting to the rune village. When that theme started, I thought

I had died and been granted a new lease on life. At the time I was still new to the PSX (a sad case, I know)

and was amazed by the fact that the sound track wasn't some built in midi engine, but was actual audio tracks.

I must have stood in once place for a full hour as I listened to the track over and over again.

In my version, I took a slightly more Indian feel, adding more Tabla, and using more Asian instrumentation.

The haunting melody still floats as clearly as it did that first time I heard it. The chorus is another slight change

I made. As an homage to the Secret of Mana series, by squaresoft, I added a Xylophone with just that secret

of mana taste.

No unpleasant after taste here. Just pure music, from a rune village

Hope you enjoy it, as much as I did creating it!



The track basically looped at 1:32 & 3:06. The woodwind first used at :51 sounded awfully fake when exposed, but the layering of them worked well. Cool instruments for an ethnic and organic feel, cool groove, nice panning and production. Keeping it. Too bad this never developed into anything instead of looping 2 1/2 times.

From the looks of the sub letter, this may possibly not be interpretive enough to pass, but I leave it up to Gray or another Suikoden fan to verify that. If it's not a cover Kitsune (or I suppose even if it is), provide a lot more interpretation & variation and resubmit.



I was discussing this with DJP as he posted this to the panel.

This is really way too straight forward an arrangement. Damn, I wish we got more suikoden material, better yet, more suikoden material that is passable. I'd love to pass this but, this has no major evolution in style, genre and concept for it to be considered an OCR mix. For various reasons, please don't consider the Suikoden 2 mix on the site as our arrangement benchmark either.

What I'd like to see in this case is a lot more structural, harmonic, rhythmic or melodic expansions - even if you want to keep the ethnic flavor of the mix like the original that would be fine as long as something is changed. Most of this really just sounds like a sidegrade to the original.

I do like how you put together this mix, and the percussion is nicely sequenced and goes well with the mix. Love the use and the rhythm of the ethnic hand drums, nice!

Samples and production are ok generally.

Please reinterpret the mix more and resubmit.



during the introduction i noticed the bare samples...they dont sound good..i think reverb might help.

when the melody comes in, it seems sparse to just have the melody and drums. I did enjoy the thunder. very nice.

unfortunately like larry says, the song more or less loops. think of ways to expand your ideas.



Listening to both side by side, I hear virtually no differences. Instrumentation is changed, barely - they're not even completely different. More like different samples or timbres of the same instruments. Some added percussion and effects, but that's about it. Song structure is identical, rhythms identical, notation pretty much identical, even tempo changes occur at similar points. Sounds like a rip to me.


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