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* Contact Info

o Level 99

o Stevo B and company (this is a team which has constantly changing member, but as of right now, me and Trevin are the only members)

o level99remixteam@gmail.com

o Don't really have one yet

o Level 99 (still can't find my forum number, please advise on how to do that)

* ReMix Info

o Killer Instinct

o The Instinct (main theme/title screen)

o No additional information

o OST hosted on Zophar.net ( http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/kinst.rar )

o This is my first submission to OCremix since I formed the Level 99 Remix team back in April. This is the cream of the crop out of 10-12 songs we already have remixed, so I wanted to start off on OC on the right foot. I'll let the song speak for itself, ENJOY!

The song is hosted on my webspace on comcast. Link is as follows (any problem with it, email me back):



The piano intro is way too long. the piano is played poorly. the chords are rhythmically and harmonically simple. sounds very unprofessional. The metal section is similarly sloppy. the guitars arent in tune and there are lots of finger slips. On top of that, the track lacks low and high end. everythings in the middle.


"I guess I'm gonna fade into Bolivian."

http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ki.rsn - "Main Theme" (ki-01.spc)

It's true, lot's of sloppiness in the piano, drums and guitars, and even if the execution were flawless, the arrangement isn't all there either. It doesn't go anywhere after the drums come in... occasionally the rhythm guitar part changes a little, and once the melody is harmonized while another time it is solo'd upon, but it's all done at relatively the same dynamic and location in the frequency spectrum. I liked the end section starting at 4:35 alot though.


I just want to conquer people and their souls.
[He] called me a ‘rapist’ and a ‘recluse.’ I’m not a recluse

The piano was fairly fakey, but fine for what it was. The composition there was decent and the rain SFX was used spaciously. I disagree that the piano sounded poorly played, but at the same time, it definitely was too long and didn't have any sense of direction. I was waiting for what sounded purely like an extended intro to change the pace, and there it was at 1:21 with some electric guitars and some strings.

1:42 did have some pretty sloppy guitar playing come in. As Vig mentioned, there's no low-end or high-end frequencies anywhere. The patterns from the drumkit coming in at 2:17 were bare & lazily written and the percussion needlessly dominated over the guitar work, making that bareness more apparent. As soon as the melody came in at 2:51, the slopppy performance of the harmonizing guitars was only more apparent.

The performance wasn't in the dumps, but the whole thing did sound very sluggish, with some problems keeping things in time. Good freestyling ideas from that one guitar underneath the melody from 4:00 until the end, which really brought some intriguing creativity to the picture and at least showcased some potential.

Also do wanna point out that while the rain SFX sounds good with the piano intro, it just a wimpy sound effect to use that during the actual rock portion of the track (not to mention you could barely hear it). Perhaps find something more intense to use during the louder portions.

I'd myself suggest shortening the intro a bit, involving the whole frequency spectrum in the track instead of making it all mid-range (ReMixing forum), tightening up the guitar performance, and creating more involved percussion work. Needs some work, but I hope you guys keep at it and improve in the future.



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This is meandering, but the main problem of the mix is the execution on several levels in the composition, arrangement and production are just off. This definitely needs more attention paid to the low and high frequencies both in EQing and adding instruments that will supplement that. The guitar tone is very lofi. It definitely needs more shimmer. I do like the delay processing on them though.

I would have dropped the rain sound effects during the guitar sections personally. They serve a stronger purpose during the mellower piano sections but during the guitar sections, I thought it wasn't that purposeful.

This mix has a lot of fat, that I think could be cut out. It's too long as is. Focus on the meat of the mix then rethink the concept and composition and repolish the execution. Needs quite a bit of work in my opinion. Hope to hear more from you soon. NO

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